All the news…
Regenerating desert land
3 August 2023Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, Media, September 2023Chihuahuan Desert rancher Alejandro Carrillo has worked for 15 years to dramatically improve the soil and pasture on his 12,000ha...
Havilah project completed
22 May 2023June 2023LDC’s large-scale gully remediation site at Havilah Station, near Collinsville, is now complete. The Havilah gully site was selected as...
Reflections, Opportunities
19 May 2023June 2023NQ Dry Tropics is piloting a suite of landscape interventions and land management efforts at catchment-scale to improve water quality...
Legume Field Day
18 May 2023June 2023Decades of research has gone into developing desmanthus pastures to increase livestock productivity across northern Australia....
Pests position
14 May 2023June 2023NQ Dry Tropics Biodiversity Senior Officer Jaymie Rains has been appointed as the North Queensland representative for Invasive Species...
Desmond passes wet season test
14 May 2023June 2023A partnership between neighbouring properties has resulted in effort on one property to halt gully expansion, to benefit both....
Belmore gully
14 May 2023June 2023The Landholders Driving Change project’s sixth large-scale gully remediation project has started. Works started in April to treat a...
Breeder Management days
14 May 2023June 2023Renowned veterinarian Ian Braithwaite returns to the Burdekin this month to run a pregnancy testing and breeder management workshop in...
NRM Status Report
13 May 2023June 2023he Burdekin Dry Tropics Region Natural Resource Management Plan Status Report 2022 is now available. It provides a regional overview of...
Spyglass P2R training
13 May 2023June 2023Grazing extension staff have undertaken training to ensure meaningful services are being offered to graziers in the Burdekin region....
Starlink trial
12 May 2023June 2023NQ Dry Tropics is trialing new satellite internet service Starlink, allowing field staff to take high speed internet to areas with...
low stress stockhandling
12 May 2023June 2023Physical, physiological and mental stress impairs animals welfare and their performance. When animals are stressed they reproduce at...
Carbon Farming session
12 May 2023June 2023Burdekin landholders interested in developing a carbon farming project attended an information session in Charters Towers, in April....
12 May 2023June 2023We’re proud to have supported landholders in the Belyando, Cape Campaspe and Suttor catchments to improve soil health and pasture over...
Extension Convention
12 May 2023June 2023The North's graziers stand to benefit most from a collaborative training event at the recent Department of Agriculture and Fisheries'...
Rangelands Conference
12 May 2023June 2023NQ Dry Tropics will subsidise Burdekin graziers to attend the Australian Rangelands Conference. The conference is being held in Broome...
Tony Cock Dog School
12 May 2023June 2023Dogs and their owners were put through their paces at a working dog training school. Take a squizz at the cracker shots taken by Scott...
Feral pig groups
12 May 2023June 2023Landholders from Alpha and Clermont have formed feral pig cluster groups as pig numbers and control costs surge....
Brigalow project finale
11 May 2023June 2023Graziers in the Northern Brigalow Belt region, near Mt Coolon, Glenden and Moranbah, have been working to improve the condition and...
Soils Advocate here
11 May 2023June 2023NQ Dry Tropics recently welcomed National Soils Advocate, the Honourable Penny Wensley, to the Burdekin....
Landscape Reyhdration day
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics plans to run a Landscape Rehydration Workshop before the end of the year. This workshop will provide a foundational...
Vegetation Management workshops
11 May 2023June 2023Landholders seeking clarity about Queensland’s Vegetation Management laws are encouraged to attend a workshop at Bowen or Charters...
Gully maintenance
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics is maintaining and monitoring gullies remediated between 2017 and 2020 through the LDC project. The aim is to evaluate...
Time lapse cameras
11 May 2023June 2023NQ Dry Tropics is using time lapse cameras to monitor gully treatment effectiveness. Cameras are set up at a control site and a...
Weetalaba first test
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationThe dust had barely settled on a Weetalaba Station landscape rehydration project when it copped a lashing from an intense rain event...
RSS MLA field days
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationA cluster of properties in the Bowen and Collinsville area have been ground-truthing a range of landscape remediation and grazing...
GRASS project extended
10 May 2023June 2023A program aimed at helping beef producers improve land condition, reduce soil loss and improve productivity has been extended for a...
Lots on offer — Gullies
10 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationGot a small gully or erosion problem? We can help tailor solutions to remediate small-scale eroding gullies. Two options are available...
Lots on offer – Grazing
10 May 2023June 2023Bowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for grants of up to $30,000 to improve grazing land management for...
Dick Richardson roadshow
9 May 2023Grazier Support, June 2023Bowen and Eungella landholders heard from grazing specialist, Dick Richardson, on how to improve soil health and pasture performance,...
Watershed tour for graziers
9 May 2023June 2023A five-day trip to The Mulloon Institute near Canberra turned into a watershed event for 10 North Queensland graziers last month....
White Kangaroo builds resilience
9 May 2023June 2023John and Bree Skinner, of White Kangaroo Station, near Bowen, plan to regenerate their 5500 hectare property to increase sustainable...
Extending LDC to 2025
8 May 2023June 2023, June 2023The Queensland Government has announced a further $3 million for the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project in the Bowen Broken Bogie...
Processing facilities tour
28 February 2023June 2023, MediaA group of North Queensland graziers had an opportunity to learn more about the other side of the beef supply chain during a recent...
24 February 2023June 2023, UncategorizedMeat and Livestock Australia, in partnership with NQ Dry Tropics developed a Producer Demonstration Site designed to showcase what...
Gully maintenance
22 November 2022December 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics has secured funding to maintain and monitor gullies remediated between 2017 and 2020. During this time, Landholders...
P2R Conversations available
21 November 2022December 2022The Paddock to Reef Conversations Series brings together stakeholders across the grazing and sugarcane industries in the Burdekin...
Belmore in design phase
16 November 2022December 2022, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedDetailed technical design plans are being developed to remediate a large-scale gully system on Belmore Station, near Collinsville....
Havilah cultural survey
16 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationA cultural heritage survey and impact assessment was completed on Havilah last month in consultation with the Birriah People to address...
Maintenance funding
16 November 2022December 2022, Landscape RemediationBetween 2017-2020, the Landholders Driving Change project completed 25 gully remediation projects (five large-scale and 20 small-scale...
Other investments
14 November 2022December 2022NQ Dry Tropics will use data collected from these current projects to further target priority locations with high sediment loads, and...
What’s next?
14 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, InfluencingCheck out all the exciting developments coming up in 2023 in the grazing support and land management areas....
Community stewardship
14 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, Incentives, InfluencingIn its broadest sense, stewardship is recognition of a collective responsibility to retain the quality and abundance of the land, air,...
Focus on ground cover
11 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, InfluencingGround cover is important because it can reduce runoff and erosion. Sediment loads can be reduced by maintaining ground cover and...
Grazier support
11 November 2022December 2022, Grazier SupportGrazing enterprises occupy 92 per cent of land in the BBB region. The Grazier Support program aims to provide all local graziers with...
What’s next?
11 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, IncentivesA peek at what 's next in each area: Large and small scale gully remediation; the Water Quality Sampling Group; Other Land Managers;...
On-ground gully works
10 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, Incentives, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedOn-ground remediation works include five large-scale gullies and 20 small-scale gully sites. Collectively, these gully works treated...
Prioritising Gully Remediation
10 November 2022December 2022, InfluencingLDC contracted Griffith University to deliver a report that characterises and prioritises the highest sediment producing gullies in the...
Water monitoring
10 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, Influencing, UncategorizedNine properties in the BBB catchment make up the LDC Community Water Quality Monitoring Group. This group has been established to...
Sediment source
10 November 2022December 2022The aim of the LDC project is to stop shifting soils and water runoff at the source. It is doing this by supporting BBB landholders to...
The Challenge
9 November 2022December 2022, Landscape Remediation, PolicyFine sediment and nutrients from agricultural land are a significant threat to the Great Barrier Reef. The Burdekin catchment is the...
8 November 2022December 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics has contracted Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) to design remediation plans for 10 gully erosion...
Glenmore intervention
8 November 2022December 2022, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedThree years ago Collinsville grazier Jim Hillier, of Glenmore Station, reshaped a few small gullies, installed several dams and put in...
MLA Producer Demonstration Sites
8 November 2022December 2022, Grazier SupportNQ Dry Tropics manages two Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) Producer Demonstration Sites in the BBB, near Bowen and Collinsville....
GRASS project
7 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, IncentivesThe Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions(GRASS) program supports graziers with areas of poor (C) or degraded (D) land condition...
Free maps course
7 November 2022December 2022, Grazier SupportThe Maps and Apps workshops aim to show graziers learn how Queensland Globe can assist with property management and planning....
Eungella map workshop
4 November 2022December 2022, Grazier SupportEleven landholders from Crediton and Eungella attended a Maps and Apps workshop at the Eungella Hall last month. We jumped at the...
NQ Beef Research Council
4 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, PolicyNQ Dry Tropics has been invited to join the North Queensland Beef Research Committee (NQBRC) as an observer. The committee is one of 11...
RCS rebate
4 November 2022December 2022Always being on the learning curve is making sure your business isn't standing still. Burdekin graziers who complete an RCS course will...
Gully grants
4 November 2022December 2022Bowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 to fix problem small-scale gullies....
Grazing offers
4 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, IncentivesBowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for grants of up to $20,000 to improve grazing land management for...
LCAT training
16 June 2022Grazier Support, June 2022Our grazing team has taken part in Land Condition Assessment Tool (LCAT) training with Rob Hassett, of the Department of Agriculture...
Contractors EOI
15 June 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics is updating its register of contractors to work on large-scale gully remediation projects in the BBB....
SOS project
29 May 2022June 2022A five-year project that took an unconventional approach to gully management — using livestock for gully remediation — has wrapped up...
New panel member
28 May 2022June 2022The LDC project has welcomed a Birriah Traditional Owner to its project panel. It’s important the panel is made up of local...
Dartmoor rehydration
9 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationDiversion banks constructed above the head of a gully has halted the progress of the gully head. Water is now being held in the...
9 May 2022Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2022LDC project panel member Bob Harris has worked hard over the past 10 years to get more from his land with the right grazing system. We...
DoR soil surveys
8 May 2022June 2022Representatives from the Department of Resources travelled to Collinsville in March to present an overview of the 2021 soil surveys...
Animal health
8 May 2022Grazier Support, June 2022Bowen and Collinsville graziers had the opportunity to meet with a local veterinarian and DAF staff to discuss the latest knowledge in...
Gully days
8 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationLDC has hosted field days at the Havilah and Gattonvale large-scale gully remediation site to bring landholders in at the beginning so...
Maps Apps encore
6 May 2022Grazier Support, June 2022By popular demand, a Maps and Apps workshop is coming back to Collinsville for a third time. Graziers have identified mapping as a...
Water Monitoring
5 May 2022Incentives, June 2022This year’s wet season provided limited sampling opportunities for the landholders who make up the LDC Community Water Quality...
Monitoring Update
5 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationMonitoring project activities helps keep track of milestones and monitor progress towards pre-defined project outcomes....
Gully prioritisation
5 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationLDC and Griffith University mapped gullies in the BBB to help prioritise gully rehabilitation projects. Ground verification work has...
4 May 2022Grazier Support, June 2022, Landscape RemediationTreatment of a large actively eroding alluvial gully complex near Collinsville marks LDC’s fifth large-scale gully remediation site....
UNESCO visit
4 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics hosted the United Nations monitoring mission when it toured North Queensland. So much has been achieved by graziers in...
4 May 2022Grazier Support, June 2022, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedBowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 to fix problem small-scale gullies....
GLM grants
3 May 2022Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, June 2022Bowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 to improve grazing land management for...
Tristan’s new
3 May 2022June 2022We welcome Tristan Gibson (pictured) to the team. He is based in the Bowen office. Tristan is from the bush, he grew up in the border...
Gully days
15 November 2021December 2021Three field days focusing on gullies will be held at Havilah Station during the next 12 months. The first one — Before The Wet — will...
KASA update
12 November 2021December 2021, UncategorizedGetting involved in the LDC project opens doors to access technical experts and a wide range of knowledge and skills building workshops...
Landscape remediation update
12 November 2021December 2021Problem gullies are the focus of LDC’s Landscape Remediation activity area. The LDC project team is keen to assess problem gullies in...
Land management update
12 November 2021December 2021BBB graziers are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 to improve grazing land management for productivity and water quality...
12 November 2021December 2021The release of the National Soil Strategy in May this year provides a rallying call for all Australians with an interest in the...
12 November 2021December 2021LDC aims to involve all land managers, including councils, mines, utilities and government departments, to work together and learn from...
11 November 2021December 2021Weeds are a huge cost to grazing businesses. They put productivity, the environment, and livelihoods under pressure. LDC has worked...
Eungella multispecies
11 November 2021December 2021Landholders in the Eungella region attended a field day in October to discuss the benefits of growing multi species pastures. Graziers...
Griffith Uni about
11 November 2021December 2021The BBB generates almost half of the fine sediment exported to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. For this reason, it is a target hotspot...
Monitoring 2020-2021
11 November 2021December 2021The LDC Community Water Quality Monitoring Group is learning more about how, when and where sediment moves throughout a range of flow...
BBB Soil sampling
10 November 2021December 2021The Department of Resources has collected soil samples across the BBB to help assess and understand the variability of soils in the...
Mapping workshops
10 November 2021December 2021, Grazier SupportLocal graziers have taken part in a Maps and Apps workshop to learn how Queensland Globe can assist with property management and planning....
Ready to wash down
10 November 2021December 2021A weed washdown facility, jointly funded by LDC and Whitsunday Regional Council, has been constructed at the Scottville waste transfer...
Hats off to the BBB
10 November 2021December 2021, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicySalute to the BBB community. It’s been a privilege working with you on the LDC project since its inception....
Amazing Carbon workshops
10 November 2021December 2021, Grazier Support, InfluencingBowen and Collinsville graziers have delved deeper into soil and pasture health with one of the best in the business — internationally...
Marc’s on board
9 November 2021December 2021, Grazier SupportMarc is the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer for the LDC project and brings a wealth of experience with him. We asked him to...
Neil’s back
9 November 2021December 2021, MediaNeil Cupples has returned to NQ Dry Tropics after a stint working for the NSW Soil Conservation Service. We’re glad to welcome him back...
ENI report
11 June 2021Incentives, Influencing, June 2021The Office of the Great Barrier Reef is funding a CSIRO and James Cook University collaboration to investigate motivations and barriers...
Washdown No2
10 June 2021Incentives, Influencing, June 2021LDC has committed to fund a second washdown facility in the BBB. If approved, it will be developed in partnership with the Whitsunday...
GRT field walk
9 June 2021Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2021Upper Broken River catchment landholders have taken a catchment-wide approach to manage Giant Rat’s Tail (GRT) grass. The group held...
Glencore support
9 June 2021June 2021Glencore has supported the LDC project from the start. Glencore has supported training events and landscape remediation field days...
Young guns
8 June 2021June 2021A young graziers event held at Strathalbyn Station, near Collinsville, has provided an educational and networking opportunity for those...
Staff training
7 June 2021June 2021, Policy, UncategorizedLDC project partners and landholders work really hard to trial and adopt land management practices to improve water quality flowing to...
BBB incentives
7 June 2021Incentives, June 2021A key component of the LDC has been to look at ways to address barriers to the adoption of improved grazing land management practices...
4 June 2021Influencing, June 2021, PolicyThe LDC project has collaborated with many partners during its implementation, providing an opportunity for the team to co-author...
Veg workshop
4 June 2021Grazier Support, June 2021The ins and outs of vegetation management laws and new reef protection regulations have been discussed at information sessions held in...
Property visits
3 June 2021Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2021Graziers visited two properties - Glenalpine and Strathalbyn - to review methods being trialed to remediate gullies and unproductive...
Weed together
2 June 2021Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2021Host for one of the field days, Shane Watts, of Sonoma Station, spoke about weed control works being carried out, the resources used...
Soil sampling
2 June 2021June 2021, PolicyThe Department of Resources has collected soil samples across the BBB to help assess and understand the variability of soils in the region. ...
Mt P data
2 June 2021Grazier Support, June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe 2019-20 wet season monitoring results are in for the Mt Pleasant Learning Hub and they show an improvement in vegetation on the...
Grass ID Mt P
2 June 2021Grazier Support, June 2021A well-managed pasture provides a security blanket for the land, good nutrition for livestock, and a healthy bottom line....
Glen Bowen gully remediation
2 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationGlen Bowen Station was LDC’s second and third large-scale gully remediation sites. Neilly Group Engineering designed the remediation...
Strathmore responds
2 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationStrathmore Station near the Bowen River rodeo grounds is LDC’s fourth large-scale gully. The remediated site has responded well...
Havilah gully
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedLDC’s fifth large-scale gully remediation site is at Havilah Station. Works are expected to start in July. The Havilah gully site has...
Rehydration at Weetalaba
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe Mulloon Institute is designing a cost-effective way to address an erosion hotspot on Weetalaba Station to help hold and keep water...
Gas pipe
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe North Queensland Gas Pipeline (NQGP) is a 391km onshore natural gas pipeline system, with capacity to transport up to 108...
WRC drains
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe LDC project, Whitsunday Regional Council and Fruition Environmental is monitoring fine sediment export from V bottom and flat...
Reach out
31 May 2021Grazier Support, June 2021A wide range of activities is available to landholders to help improve land management practice, productivity and land condition, while...
Funding continues
28 May 2021Grazier Support, June 2021NQ Dry Tropics has secured a $5million funding boost to build on and continue, the efforts of the Landholders Driving Change (LDC)...
Grit welcome
26 May 2021June 2021Welcome to the Winter edition of The Grit. You can expect The Grit to drop into your email inbox twice a year. For those of you who...
BBB funds earmarked
26 May 2021June 2021The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) is appointing a Regional Program Manager to plan and implement the delivery of its...
31 March 2021June 2021I was appointed as project manager for the Landholders Driving Change project in November 2020, and along with the LDC team, I look...
Scottville videos
9 December 2020December 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationCluster groups supported by the Landholders Driving Change project help disseminate knowledge and skills in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie...
Burdekin reef regulations
25 November 2020December 2020Graziers in the Burdekin will be the first required to meet the Queensland Government’s new minimum practice agricultural standards for...
Strathmore work begins
23 November 2020December 2020, UncategorizedWork has started on LDC’s fourth large-scale gully on Strathmore Station near the Bowen River rodeo grounds, 1.3km from the Bowen River...
M&E – the journey
21 November 2020December 2020Each year the Landholders Driving Change project measures progress towards improved water quality outcomes and submits a Performance...
Glen Bowen update
20 November 2020December 2020The second phase of gully rehabilitation work at Glen Bowen Station has been completed with engineering firm Neilly Group signing off...
WRC drains
20 November 2020December 2020, Landscape Remediation, PolicyRural roads in the BBB directly serve thousands of rural and regional residents living along them. They provide essential market access...
AWA conference
19 November 2020December 2020Delegates attending this year’s Australian Water Association Queensland Conference heard about the LDC project, and what it has taught...
Function at Flagstone
19 November 2020December 2020Manager Brett Scott has made a strategic decision to focus on landscape function at Flagstone. By introducing landscape rehydration...
Drones at work
19 November 2020December 2020, Grazier Support, InfluencingPeople who work with cattle will be able to muster using a drone, but even the most skilled drone pilots with no cattle nous will fail....
MLA monitoring
18 November 2020December 2020, InfluencingMonitoring baselines have been established at the BBB region’s two Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS). LDC has partnered up with Meat &...
Managing wild dogs
18 November 2020December 2020More than 15 landholders from across the BBB attended a two-day Wild Dog Management workshop held at the Collinsville rodeo grounds in...
17 November 2020December 2020THE LDC project aligns with State and Federal Government priorities to deliver measurable improvements in water quality for the Great...
LOL Connect
17 November 2020December 2020LDC was a proud partner of the ‘Taking Time to Connect’ event that was held at the Burdekin Theatre, Ayr in October. This event brought...
Last Chance done
17 November 2020December 2020Nine projects that were approved under the last round of grants offered by the LDC project have been finalised. The aim of the grants...
Building on success
17 November 2020December 2020THE Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) BBB project is up and running, and will build on the success of the Queensland Government...
17 November 2020December 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyIT may have been a transformative year, but I am delighted to say that during 2020, the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project...
GBRF funds for BBB
28 September 2020Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, October 2020, PolicyNQ Dry Tropics has secured $5 million to continue to roll out water quality projects in the Bowen, Broken and Bogie (BBB)...
Networking event
23 September 2020October 2020Women in the country, and particularly the BBB, are invited to the Landholders Driving Change women’s networking event on 9 October,...
Breeder herd workshop back
22 September 2020October 2020, UncategorizedBy popular demand, veterinarian Ian Braithwaite returned to the BBB in September to run a pregnancy testing and breeder management workshop....
Ongoing state funding
22 September 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, October 2020, PolicyThrough the 2020-2021 Queensland Government budget, NQ Dry Tropics has secured an additional $200,000 to invest in the Landholders...
2020 Community Update
21 September 2020October 2020Each year in September LDC holds a community event to showcase the project’s achievements, and to outline the next phase of activities....
Drones in agriculture
17 September 2020October 2020NQ Dry Tropics has organised two drone demonstration days to show landholders how to implement drone technology to make land management...
GRT Field Day
16 September 2020October 2020Landholders of the Upper Broken River catchment are taking a catchment-wide approach to manage giant rat’s tail (GRT) grass. A workshop...
Collinsville Regen Ag support
15 September 2020October 2020The Collinsville Region Regenerative Grazier Network is hosting Grazing Naturally principal Dick Richarson this month. He is providing...
PATCHKEY spotlight
15 September 2020October 2020If you can measure it, you can manage it. Developed by CSIRO, PATCHKEY is one monitoring tool used by NQ Dry Tropics, and the LDC...
BBB chemical training
15 September 2020October 2020, UncategorizedFourteen landholders, contractors and other land managers attended nationally-accredited chemical training in Collinsville in...
Scottville Cluster update
10 September 2020October 2020A group of landholders from Scottville, near Collinsville, banded together two years ago to address erosion issues on their...
Eungella rainforest group
9 September 2020Landscape Remediation, October 2020, PolicyRainforests are the undisputed champions of biodiversity among the world’s ecosystems. The Eungella Rainforest Cluster Group recognises...
Holistic management
9 September 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, October 2020In August, 11 BBB graziers took part in a two-day workshop by Holistic Management Educator Brian Wehlburg to learn about a...
Strathalbyn weed control
27 July 2020August 2020LANDHOLDERS and government department representatives have come up with a solution to improve land condition (weed control) on a...
Worona Field Day
27 July 2020August 2020LDC hosted a field day attended by more than 25 people, at Worona Station to showcase the work the LeFeuvre family has carried out to...
Ladies Mach II
27 July 2020August 2020LDC’s second women’s networking event was a virtual success with 17 women joining the online conference that featured three key...
Eungella soil talks
27 July 2020August 2020TWENTY landholders and industry representatives from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Reef Catchments, NQ Dry...
Scottville cluster review
27 July 2020August 2020THE Scottville Cluster Group has proven that working together can result in great outcomes. Twenty-five people attended a field trip...
M&E at Mt Pleasant
26 July 2020August 2020THE Mount Pleasant Learning Hub, featuring Mulloon Institute landscape rehydration techniques, has been designed to reinstate the...
LDC M&E overview
25 July 2020August 2020MONITORING and Evaluation (M&E) is an important part of the LDC project because it collects data progressively to keep track of...
Old photos wanted
24 July 2020August 2020LDC has teamed up with Collinsville Connect Telecentre to hunt down photos of yesteryear that have been snapped on properties around...
Spotlight on Flagstone
24 July 2020August 2020Flagstone Station, near Collinsville, has undergone transformational change in just 12 months, with manager Brett Scott keen to make...
MLA sites in operation
24 July 2020August 2020THE BBB’s two Producer Demonstration Sites have enlisted biosecurity and land management experts to help them meet their objectives....
M&E at Strathbogie
23 July 2020August 2020Treatment on the gully system at Strathbogie Station included five hillslope flow diversion banks and a small rock revetment near a...
M&E at Glen Bowen
23 July 2020August 2020THE Glen Bowen site was selected as the LDC project’s second major gully remediation project in the Bowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment....
M&E at Mt Wickham
23 July 2020August 2020The Mt Wickham site was selected as the LDC project’s first large-scale gully remediation site. The gully catchment treatment size was...
Feral animal program
23 July 2020August 2020THE LDC project matches landholders’ contributions towards the cost of the aerial control of feral pigs in the Whitsunday region. In...
Water monitoring continues
23 July 2020August 2020Nine river and creek sites across the Bowen-Broken-Bogie (BBB) catchment are being sampled by landholders during rainfall-generated...
Priority gullies
22 July 2020August 2020GRIFFITH University has delivered a report that characterises and prioritises the highest sediment producing gullies within the BBB...
Last Chance program update
22 July 2020August 2020NINE projects have been approved under the last round of grants offered by the LDC to help graziers implement changes to better manage...
Glen Bowen gully work
21 July 2020August 2020PHASE two of gully remediation at Glen Bowen is about to start. Two gullies will be treated and the effect of the work will be...
LDC COVID response
21 July 2020August 2020NQ Dry Tropics, including the LDC team, moved swiftly to put in places measures to mitigate coronavirus risks while upholding critical...
Strathmore gully
20 July 2020August 2020A CULTURAL clearance report has given the nod to LDC to carry out its fourth large-scale gully remediation project. The assessment...
Community update 2020
20 July 2020August 2020LOCK in 18 September and join us on a bus tour of properties showcasing LDC’s achievements. It’s an opportunity to talk with...
Cow scans
19 May 2020Grazier Support, June 2020More producers are incorporating ultrasound on their properties to manage pregnancy checking. Mt Crompton Station is one of those, and...
MLA demo sites
18 May 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2020LDC has partnered with Meat Livestock Australia (MLA) to develop two Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS) to improve business...
Strathmore gully
15 May 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2020, Landscape RemediationWork is expected to start at Strathmore Station shortly, LDC’s fourth large-scale gully remediation site....
History photographs
15 May 2020June 2020, PolicyWe’re on the hunt for photos that convey some aspect of a forgotten history, or a story not widely known....
Last chance
13 May 2020June 2020The LDC project launched its “Last Chance” call for project proposals by BBB landholders last month. With the project scheduled to...
Ladies virtual meet
13 May 2020Grazier Support, June 2020Rising to the challenge of Covid-19, LDC’s first women’s networking event turned into a virtual event. Seventeen ladies joined the...
More funding
13 May 2020Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, June 2020, Landscape Remediation, PolicyMore funding is to be directed into the BBB. The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) has announced a $5 million program...
Welcome Dan
13 May 2020June 2020NQ Dry Tropics welcomes new staff member Dan Hazelman, who brings with him more than 20 years of civil engineering experience in the...
Rod’s leading
13 May 2020June 2020Rod Kerr has been appointed to lead the LDC team. Rod has strong connections with the BBB grazing community having worked with NQ Dry...
GRASS a big help
30 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, IncentivesTHE Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program supports producers to address land in poor or degraded condition....
Case Study – Glen Bowen
19 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationA GULLY, covering more than 3ha of Glen Bowen Station has always been “off-limits” to graziers Christian and Melissa Cormack....
The road ahead
17 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyAs part of an integrated program the LDC team, in conjunction with project partners, is delivering a series of workshops and supported...
Worona field trip
16 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationIn response to considerable landholder interest, NQ Dry Tropics has become increasingly involved with the concept of landscape...
LDC Policy Engagement
16 March 2020April 2020, PolicyTHE LDC project facilitates and fosters grassroots input into policy formulation and implementation. LDC has, through roundtable...
Holistic management
11 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, InfluencingA TWO-DAY ‘Introduction to Holistic Management’ workshop is being held at the DAF Bowen Research facility in May. Take advantage of...
Network for women
10 March 2020April 2020, Grazier SupportLDC would like to host an event dedicated to the ladies of the land. We need ladies input to help organise an event that is fun,...
No boundaries for weeds
10 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, InfluencingWEEDS don’t recognise property boundaries. LDC hosted an ‘Inspect and clean machinery for plant animal and soil material’ (accredited...
Benchmarking land condition
10 March 2020April 2020, Grazier SupportEIGHTEEN graziers took part in a Land Condition Assessment Tool (LCAT) training workshop at Mt Pleasant Learning Hub in March. It...
LDC sponsorships
10 March 2020April 2020, Incentives, InfluencingA SIGNIFICANT and important component of LDC is building community relationships. That’s why LDC is proud to sponsor local events in...
Raining on The Hub
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationLOOK at the Mt Pleasant Learning Hub. The rain came and the small-scale, low-cost interventions installed at the Hub did what they were...
Eungella update
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationSWATHES of burnt-out rainforest at Eungella are being transformed thanks to the dedication of the Eungella Rainforest Recovery Cluster group....
Soil secrets
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, InfluencingUPPER Broken River landholders are working with soil experts to enhance soil health, increase pasture productivity, and improve...
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyTHE Landholders Driving Change project has laid a foundation on which it can accelerate the rate of transformational change in the BBB....
MLA – weed project
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier Support, InfluencingTHIS three-year project will develop five demonstration properties within the BBB catchment to trial and promote holistic approaches to...
MLA – grazing
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier SupportLDC has been successful in securing funding from MLA to establish two Producer Demonstration Sites (PDS). ...
BOM 2019
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier SupportTHE BOM Annual Climate Statement is published in early January each year and provides the initial summary of annual values and overview...
GRT case study
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier SupportLDC is working with Eungella and Crediton landholders to manage Giant rat’s tail (GRT) grass. A case study on how graziers near Minani...
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationTHE Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program supports producers to address land in poor or degraded condition....
M and E is fun
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier SupportMONITORING and evaluation (M&E) is used to assess the performance of LDC with the goal to improve current and future management of...
Popular workshop back
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier SupportBY popular demand, veterinarian Ian Braithwaite returns to the BBB in March to run a breeder management workshop....
Leaders program open
22 January 2020February 2020, Incentives, InfluencingA LEADERSHIP program has been developed specifically for graziers in the Bowen Broken Bogie catchment. Register your interest by 13 March....
Rainforest field day
22 January 2020February 2020, Influencing, Landscape RemediationRAINFOREST at Eungella is still recovering from the impacts of the 2018 fires that roared through the region, and a dedicated group of...
Scottville field day
22 January 2020February 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationThe Scottville Cluster Group has proven that working together can result in great outcomes. A field trip is being organised to share...
Small gullies update
22 January 2020February 2020, Landscape RemediationTHERE'S been a great deal of focus on large scale gully projects in the BBB, but there’s also been a significant amount of work on...
LDC extension
21 January 2020April 2020, February 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyTHE Queensland Government has granted the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project more time. The new completion date is September 2021....
Cash flow key
10 January 2020December 2019, Grazier Support, MediaCASH flow, not calving rates should be the measure North Queensland graziers use to manage their breeding herds according to cattle...
Learning Hub
10 January 2020Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, Media, November 2019, PolicyA DEMONSTRATION site and learning hub at Mt Pleasant Station, Bowen, is trialling how regenerative agriculture practices can restore...
LDC halfway
10 January 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, Media, October 2019The NQ Dry Tropics’ Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project has reached the halfway point. It is piloting land management and repair...
Soil health
9 January 2020Media, September 2019Graziers in the Bowen, Collinsville Ayr and Eungella regions have delved deeper into soil health with two of the best in the ‘soil...
Leadership program
9 January 2020August 2019, Incentives, Influencing, MediaIN its inaugural year, 13 emerging grazing leaders are graduating from a leadership program developed specifically for graziers in the...
Vegetation management
8 January 2020MediaLandholders seeking clarity about Queensland’s Vegetation Management laws are encouraged to attend a workshop in Collinsville at the...
Phosphorus workshop
19 November 2019December 2018, Grazier SupportPHOSPHORUS is one of the most important nutritional deficiencies in grazing beef cattle in northern Australia. LDC hosted nutrition...
Time to look back
19 November 2019December 2019AS the year draws to a close, we are all looking for relief from the atrocious weather conditions that we’re currently experiencing....
Exciting M&E
19 November 2019December 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, PolicyMonitoring and evaluation is an important part of the LDC project because it collects data as we go. It also makes sure the right...
Normanby cluster works
19 November 2019December 2019, Grazier Support, InfluencingTHE LDC project has enlisted the expertise of agriculture consultant and qualified nutritionist Jim Wade of Wade Agriculture...
Herd nutrition plan
18 November 2019December 2019, Grazier SupportTHE proper nutrition of beef cattle is a key component of a successful production system. Feed usually accounts for the single largest...
Mt Wickham phase 2
18 November 2019December 2019, Landscape RemediationGULLY remediation phase two at Mt Wickham has been completed. The work consisted of a series of rock chutes in the main gully and the...
Cultural survey
18 November 2019December 2019, PolicyA cultural heritage survey and impact assessment was completed on Glen Bowen in consultation with the Birriah People to address NQ Dry...
Glen Bowen work begins
18 November 2019December 2019, Landscape RemediationWORK has started at Glen Bowen Station, the LDC’s second large-scale gully remediation site. Machinery was mobilised in November, and...
Regulations info
18 November 2019December 2019, PolicyTHE Queensland Government has provided LDC with Reef protection regulations information for Burdekin graziers. It’s a must read. If...
Christmas catch-ups
18 November 2019December 2019, Influencing, Landscape RemediationThe LDC ‘Catchment Catch ups’ are an opportunity for graziers to quiz the LDC team about the project and priorities specific to their area....
Leadership program
17 November 2019December 2019, Incentives, InfluencingREGISTRATION is now open for the Landholders Driving Change Leadership program. It has been developed specifically for graziers in the...
Scottville success
17 November 2019December 2019THE ‘Scottville Mob’ has proven that working together can result in great outcomes. The cluster group developed an action plan to...
Rainforest recovery
17 November 2019December 2019LDC has enlisted the expertise of Pioneer Catchment & Landcare to work with the Eungella Rainforest Recovery Cluster group. The group...
Learning hub
16 November 2019December 2019The Mt Pleasant Demonstration and Learning Hub is up and running. Earthworks are complete, and the first field walk, which was open to...
Breeder management
16 November 2019December 2019THE key to profitability is not necessarily how little or how much you spend on inputs, but getting greatest return from investments...
Reef report card
19 September 2019October 2019The latest reports on Great Barrier Reef water quality are available. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has published the...
Reef, vegetation rules
19 September 2019October 2019The LDC project is planning a one day workshop to unpack the vegetation management laws and reef regulations - how will they impact...
Policy roundtable
19 September 2019October 2019LDC will host a policy roundtable in Townsville in the New Year. This will be the second round table to facilitate engagement between...
Low Stress workshop
19 September 2019October 2019SIXTEEN landholders attended a two-day low stress stock handling school at Strathalbyn Station with leading education Jim Lindsay in...
Herd performance
19 September 2019October 2019The Breeder Management and Preg Testing Workshop will focus on the theoretical and practical skills of pregnancy testing and foetal...
David Hardwick
19 September 2019Media, October 2019Graziers interested in boosting their soil quality and increasing productivity got the chance to learn from one of the best in the...
Christine Jones
18 September 2019October 2019LDC hosted a week-long tour of the BBB region by Dr Christine Jones, of Amazing Carbon. Workshops were held at Six Mile, Glenalpine,...
Halfway Social
18 September 2019October 2019Graziers, project delivery partners, science collaborators and industry representatives joined the LDC team at the Collinsville...
Nutrition workshop
18 September 2019October 2019Dry pastures can leave graziers with low protein, stubble and roughage to get stock through summer, so supplementation could play a...
Weed training
18 September 2019October 2019A huge response to LDC’s weed hygiene training workshop held earlier this year has prompted the LDC team to organise another one for...
Experts about
17 September 2019October 2019The LDC project would not be possible without the help of its delivery partners and collaborations with other organisations and...
Mt Pleasant demo
17 September 2019October 2019A demonstration site and learning hub will ground truth a wide range of management and landscape remediation techniques. The aim is to...
Bus tour
16 September 2019October 2019SEPTEMBER marked the halfway point for the LDC project. To showcase the project’s achievements, and to outline the next phase of...
Eungella cluster
16 September 2019October 2019A Eungella Rainforest Cluster Group has been formed to ensure landholders and the wider Eungella community are provided with on-ground...
Develop training package
16 September 2019October 2019LDC is seeking a professional to develop a training package for BBB graziers to make sure they meet minimum legislative requirements...
New panel members
16 September 2019October 2019The LDC project is looking for two more landholder representatives on its project panel to provide strategic and management oversight....
13 September 2019October 2019ALMOST 100 eye-catching entries were submitted in the Landholders Driving Change BBB Photography Competition in September. The...
Mt Wickham update
26 July 2019August 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationThe Landholders Driving Change Landscape Remediation Activity Area is about trialling different remediation approaches to determine...
War on GRT
26 July 2019August 2019Eungella and Crediton landholders are waging war with Giant rat’s tail (GRT) grass. The African native is an aggressive grass that can...
Braithwaite column
26 July 2019August 2019Fundamental to any business is having a known and accurate inventory (stock) the business has on hand at a particular point in...
Whoa boy video
26 July 2019August 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationFast flowing water caused by heavy rainfall can wreak havoc on rural roads and access tracks, and fencelines. Constructing erosion...
Gully video
26 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportWhen tackling soil erosion on grazing lands, it’s important to treat both the cause and symptoms. NQ Dry Tropics works closely with...
Gully symposium
26 July 2019August 2019, Landscape RemediationMore than 100 delegates including engineers, scientists and practitioners, from Australia, USA, China, Japan, Germany, Spain, France,...
Breedcow software
25 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportQueensland’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) Breedcow software package can help graziers to plan, evaluate and improve...
Weed hygiene
25 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportA huge response to LDC’s weed hygiene training workshop held earlier this year has prompted the LDC team to organise another one for...
Nutrition matters
25 July 2019August 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationDry pastures can leave graziers with low protein, stubble and roughage to get stock through summer, so supplementation can play a vital...
Healthy soil
25 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportCollective action will secure the conservation and economic benefits of healthy soils in the BBB region. That’s why LDC is taking a...
Property mapping
25 July 2019August 2019A property map can assist with property management and planning including: identifying areas on the property that are sensitive areas...
Herd performance
25 July 2019August 2019Measuring and benchmarking your herd’s performance and productivity is a key step in analysing the profitability and productivity of...
Whoa boy project
24 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportMORE than 20 grazing properties are taking part in the whoa boy project that is being rolled out across the BBB catchment. LDC hosted...
Soil test
24 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportTHE only way to determine the soil nutrient profile is to undertake a soil test. Soil analysis can measure the soil’s ability to supply...
NIRS Testing
24 July 2019August 2019, Grazier SupportTHE quality of the diet consumed by cattle is one of the main determinants of productivity, including reproductive performance, growth...
Forage budgeting
24 July 2019August 2019NOW is a good time to start planning for the next dry season. Adjusting stocking rates to meet current feed supply, animal...
Incentives grants
24 July 2019August 2019The Exploring New Incentives program area – scoping and trialling incentives and institutional arrangements – works in conjunction with...
Grazier Support 2019
23 July 2019August 2019, March 2019As part of an integrated program the LDC team in conjunction with project partners RCS and DAF is delivering a series of workshops and...
Financials – August
23 July 2019August 2019A primary production business varies from other businesses in the sense that there is no singe skill needed to make the business...
Feedback, please
23 July 2019August 2019Landholders Driving Change is a three-year project that runs to the end of August 2020. From August to December 2020, the team will...
Marketing School
22 July 2019August 2019LDC will pay up to 75 per cent of the cost of an upcoming KLR Marketing school for graziers who live in the BBB to attend. The school...
Carbon Farming Expo
22 July 2019August 2019Theme: Setting the domestic and international scene and advances in the soil C space. Interested in carbon farming? LDC will pay the...
Financials – July
21 June 2019July 2019PREVIOUSLY, the Farm Financial Series has looked at smoothing out income (through available primary production concessions such as farm...
WQ monitoring
20 June 2019July 2019The LDC Community Water Quality Monitoring Group and TropWATER scientists reviewed water sampling results from the 2018-2019 wet season...
Hello Sheridan
19 June 2019July 2019Change is afoot. We farewell Matt Miles and Brendan Smith and welcome Sheridan Callcott to the team. Matt Miles and Brendan Smith have...
WRC baiting
19 June 2019July 2019FERAL pigs contribute to soil erosion and weed spread, consume and foul molasses, lick blocks, pasture and watering points, spread...
Herd performance
19 June 2019July 2019, MediaTHE workshop, run by Dr Ian Braithwaite, focused on the theoretical and practical skills of pregnancy testing and foetal ageing in...
Financials – June
27 May 2019June 2019THIS article is the second instalment looking at the criteria and advantages of small businesses utilising Capital Gains Tax (CGT)...
Event sponsors
26 May 2019June 2019COMMUNITY is all about building relationships. That’s why NQ Dry Tropics, through its LDC project, is proud to sponsor local events in...
Change training
26 May 2019June 2019As part of the Regional Extension Coordination program, NQ Dry Tropics is proud to support Allan Parker from Peak Performance to run a...
Normanby cluster
26 May 2019June 2019Diagnostic tests from plant tissue, soil and and water is helping landholders of the Normanby Cluster Group to improve nutrition,...
SOS Field Days
26 May 2019June 2019The LDC project builds on, and aligns with, existing local initiatives in the BBB catchment. One of those initiatives is the NQ Dry...
25 May 2019June 2019CROSS team collaboration is a win for natural resource management, landholders, the environment, and the Great Barrier Reef. NQ Dry...
WQ website
24 May 2019June 2019This website is home to the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017–2022, a joint commitment of the Australian and Queensland...
Dam desilting
24 May 2019June 2019The Dam Desilting Rebate has been provided by the Australian Government for up to 25 per cent of the cost of a private contractor to...
Gully book
24 May 2019July 2019, June 2019CHECK out this new gully erosion publication from the Burnett Mary Regional Group, written by John Day and Queensland Department of...
Breeder management
24 May 2019June 2019The workshop will focus on the theoretical and practical skills of pregnancy testing and foetal ageing in cattle, and will focus on how...
Monitoring group
23 May 2019June 2019THE Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWATER) trained local landholders on how to collect and store water...
Eungella meet
22 May 2019June 2019THE LDC project is extending into the Upper Broken River catchment (Eungella, Broken River, Crediton and Dalrymple Heights). More than...
Whoa boys work
14 May 2019MediaA series of erosion control measures installed at a grazing property south west of Home Hill have held firm despite nearly record...
RASH toolbox
13 May 2019MediaNQ Dry Tropics has developed an online tool box to help landholders assess the condition of soil on different land types across their...
Biosecurity regulations
29 April 2019Grazier Support, May 2019PEOPLE going onto a farming operation where animals are kept must now comply with the property’s biosecurity management plan when...
Meet and greet
18 April 2019May 2019LDC, in collaboration with the Pioneer Catchment and Landcare Group is hosting a ‘meet and greet’ at Eungella Memorial Hall (The Hub)...
Plan to succeed
18 April 2019May 2019I STARTED as project manager for the Landholders Driving Change project on 1 April. The irony was lost on me - but a number of people...
Scottville Cluster
18 April 2019Grazier Support, May 2019DAF principal extension officer (grazing land management) Bob Shepherd is providing expertise to help the Scottville cluster group...
Financials – May
18 April 2019May 2019SMALL businesses are the engine room of our economy, representing 99 per cent of all businesses in Australia. There are a range of...
NQDT newsletter
17 April 2019May 2019NQ Dry Tropics has launched its newsletter. It will be published online four times a year. The company is an independent community-based...
16 April 2019Grazier Support, May 2019THE only way to determine the soil nutrient profile is to undertake a soil test. Soil analysis can measure the soil’s ability to supply...
Trial something
16 April 2019Incentives, May 2019WANT to trial something on your property? Up to $40,000 per enterprise is available to help make your business more resilient while...
NIRS Testing
16 April 2019Grazier Support, May 2019THE quality of the diet consumed by cattle is one of the main determinants of productivity, including reproductive performance, growth...
Herd productivity
16 April 2019Grazier Support, May 2019MEASURING and benchmarking the herd’s performance and productivity is a key step in analysing the profitability and productivity of...
Walking landscape
15 April 2019Landscape Remediation, May 2019THE field day will visit three properties, Mt Wickham, Riverview and Glen Bowen stations on 1 May. At Mt Wickham and Riverview,...
Leadership course
15 April 2019May 2019A LEADERSHIP program, developed specifically for graziers in the Bowen and Collinsville region, has kicked off. Thirteen local...
Taking Stock
3 April 2019MediaTHE Landholders Driving Change (LDC) grazier support program for 2019 kicked off with 40 producers attending a Taking Stock - Managing...
28 March 2019April 2019WE have packaged a soil health tool kit for graziers - a Rapid Assessment of Soil Health (RASH) manual written by well known...
28 March 2019April 2019STRONG and ongoing local participation is the cornerstone of the Landholders Driving Change project (LDC). Local graziers have been...
Hygiene workshop
27 March 2019April 2019LDC hosted a Weed Hygiene workshop at the Collinsville Scottville Workers Club in March. Landholders learned about biosecurity,...
27 March 2019April 2019, PolicyMONITORING and evaluation of the LDC project is a process of zooming in and zooming out across a number of scales. We zoom in on some...
27 March 2019April 2019, Grazier SupportThe LDC whoa boy project continues to roll out across the catchment in 2019. Whoa boys are a simple method for controlling erosion on...
Soil test
27 March 2019April 2019, Grazier SupportTHE only way to determine the soil nutrient profile is to undertake a soil test. Soil analysis can measure the soil’s ability to supply...
Faecel testing
27 March 2019April 2019, Grazier SupportThe quality of the diet consumed by cattle is one of the main determinants of productivity, including reproductive performance, growth...
Forage budget
27 March 2019April 2019, Grazier SupportADJUSTING stocking rates to meet current feed supply, animal requirements, and ground cover targets is considered best management...
Weetalaba workshop
27 March 2019April 2019, Grazier SupportFIVE quality speakers from RCS, DAF and cattle producers gave informative presentations, and the common message from all speakers was...
27 March 2019April 2019THE aim of the Landscape Remediation Activity Area is to develop effective and economical approaches to gully remediation. LDC is...
26 March 2019April 2019COLLINSVILLE grazier Jim Hillier (pictured) knows a thing or two about landscape remediation - he has spent his whole life working with...
BBB hub
26 March 2019April 2019A FACEBOOK group has been formed for BBB graziers and non-grazing land managers who work in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment...
26 March 2019April 2019, Grazier SupportTO address frustration about the complexity of the regulatory system affecting agriculture - specifically grazing - the LDC project has...
Common ground
26 March 2019April 2019, Influencing, PolicyTHE LDC team is engaging with non-grazing land managers to help them get involved with the project. Two forums were held in Eungella...
Reef regulations
26 March 2019April 2019, PolicyTHE LDC project aims to connect landholders around Bowen and Collinsville with government representatives to discuss policy and...
New Boss
25 March 2019April 2019I have tendered my resignation to NQ Dry Tropics to support my wife in an exciting career move. Congratulations to Lisa Hutchinson who...
Incentives grant
25 March 2019April 2019, IncentivesWANT to trial something on your property? Up to $40,000 per enterprise is available to help make your business more resilient while...
25 March 2019April 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationLEVERAGING cross team collaboration is a no-brainer, it leads to deeper insights, fresher perspectives and delivers results. Staff from...
River Symposium 2019
25 February 2019March 2019This year’s International RiverSymposium is showcasing innovative programs from around the world that are transforming ailing rivers...
Policy engagement
25 February 2019March 2019, PolicyLDC has held a round table to coordinate engagement between landholders and government decision makers on relevant policy and...
Reef 2050 WQIP
24 February 2019March 2019The Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017-2022 is a joint commitment of the Australian and Queensland governments. The plan is...
Provider workshops
22 February 2019March 2019Two workshops were held in February for non-graziers who manage or use land in the BBB, on how they can get involved in the LDC project...
Farm Financials – Disaster
22 February 2019March 2019The past few weeks have been truly heartbreaking and a test of industry survival for many primary producers.Many have gone from years...
The Digital Farmer
22 February 2019March 2019LDC hosted AGDATA Australia to deliver Phoenix Farm Management Software workshops to local graziers in February. Participants completed...
Feral pig control
22 February 2019March 2019The Whitsunday Regional Council’s 2018/19 feral pig aerial control program is on course to eclipse the previous year’s tally. The LDC...
Gully symposium
22 February 2019March 2019The 8th International Symposium on Gully Erosion (ISGE) is being held in Townsville on 21-27 July - the first ISGE in the southern...
Leadership Program
22 February 2019March 2019Do you want to be part of the future of your region? Do you want to work with your community to plan your future?A leadership program...
Demo sites
22 February 2019March 2019LDC wants to establish two ‘whole of enterprise’ demonstration sites to ground truth a wide range of management and landscape...
Mackay Grazing Forum
22 February 2019March 2019Reef Catchments is once again hosting a Grazing Forum in Mackay. Guest speakers at the 28 March forum include Charles Massey, author of...
Catchment catchups
21 February 2019March 2019The LDC ‘Catchment Catch ups’ are an opportunity for graziers to quiz the grazier support team about the LDC project and priorities...
New panel members
21 February 2019March 2019The LDC has two new panel members - grazier Dan Kenny, of Dartmoor Station, and Samantha Stone-Jovicich, a CSIRO scientist. We welcome...
Erosion control training
21 February 2019Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, March 2019Register now to take advantage of two erosion control workshops being held this month. Highly-respected landcare specialist and plant...
Weed hygiene workshop
20 February 2019March 2019LDC is hosting a Weed Hygiene at the Collinsville Workers Club on Monday, 4 March, 9am to 3pm. Landholders will learn about...
Mt Wickham update
20 February 2019March 2019LDC is conducting a large-scale gully remediation project on Mt Wickham. Since initial works were completed in November 2018, 745mm of...
Wet start to 2019
20 February 2019March 2019TropWATER has generously shared these images of plume extending to Old Reef, Midshelf Reef, and central Great Barrier Reef, along with...
Grazier Support 2019
19 February 2019March 2019As part of an integrated program the LDC team in conjunction with project partners RCS and DAF is delivering a series of workshops and...
Water quality group formed
7 February 2019MediaBowen and Collinsville graziers have formed a community water quality monitoring group to improve knowledge and understanding of water...
Monitoring Penny rain
6 February 2019MediaA community-based water quality monitoring group established in September is already proving its worth to scientists trying to get hard...
Financials – FMDs
21 January 2019January 2019WITH drought ravishing most of the State, forced sales are a point of conversation for many primary producers and tax advisers. If used...
Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain
17 January 2019February 2019CADE Colls at Glenroc Station wasn't quick enough to empty the rain gauge when the downpour from ex-Cyclone Penny began on the night of...
Rain Roundup – 2018
16 January 2019February 2019IT'S not just the recent weather that makes us want to look back on the year's rainfall, it's also the time of year when we reflect....
Grazing fundamentals
16 January 2019February 2019, Grazier SupportTHE Landholders Driving Change (LDC) Grazing Support Team will this year deliver four events targeting grazing fundamentals. The first...
Two demo sites
16 January 2019February 2019, Incentives, InfluencingRESTORING landscape function, the introduction of technology and innovation in land management and access to cutting-edge monitoring...
Gully symposium
15 January 2019February 2019THE 8th International Symposium on Gully Erosion will be held in Townsville on 21-27 July. This will be the first ISGE in the southern...
Borrow a level
10 January 2019February 2019THE LDC project has a state-of-the-art laser level to help landholders plan and design surface water management structures. Managing...
Demo site search
18 December 2018Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, January 2019, Landscape RemediationARE you keen to integrate innovation and technology into your management system to optimise productivity and profit? Keen to access...
LDC design
14 December 2018January 2019LDC is tackling erosion and improving land management from the ground up. Strong and ongoing local participation is the cornerstone of...
Water Quality program
14 December 2018January 2019The Queensland Government is rolling out two large scale reef water quality projects that will become blueprints for improving water...
The 2050 Plan
14 December 2018January 2019The Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017-2022 is a joint commitment of the Australian and Queensland governments. The plan is...
Soil the key
14 December 2018January 2019Effective management of soils and pastures is fundamental to the productivity of the agricultural industry and the health of the...
Welcome Lisa
14 December 2018January 2019NQ Dry Tropics’ Lisa Hutchinson is joining the LDC team as a Senior Project Officer. Lisa’s strong connections with the BBB grazing...
Water Tester
14 December 2018January 2019WATER samples collected by the volunteer network of graziers across Burdekin tributaries and major sub-catchments will help trace the...
Financials – Forced Sales
10 December 2018January 2019WITH drought ravishing most of the State, forced sales are a point of conversation for many primary producers and tax advisers. If used...
Rain test
30 November 2018December 2018, Landscape RemediationGreat news - the rain poured down and remediation work on a large-scale gully at Mt Wickham held up! A total of 33.6mm of rain fell...
Manager’s message
30 November 2018December 2018The end of year is always a good time to reflect and 2018 has been a busy year. This year the priority has been getting BBB graziers...
Meet Matt
30 November 2018December 2018I was born in Mudgee in Central West NSW before moving to Northern NSW to study Environmental Science. I started my career in aquatic...
Works and Training
30 November 2018December 2018, Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, March 2019Graziers in the BBB have a suite of funded on-ground works, and training opportunities available to them as part of the LDC project to...
Mt Pleasant
28 November 2018Incentives, Influencing, November 2018Searching for answers, the Mt Pleasant business decision makers - Jamie Gordon, his wife Garlone Moulin, Jamie’s sister Joan and her...
Reef Champions
28 November 2018December 2018The Reef Champion Awards are supported by the ‘Reef Trust: Reef Alliance – Growing a Great Barrier Reef’ project, which is funded by...
LDC knees-up
26 November 2018December 2018Graziers along with the LDC team enjoyed a end of year social at the Bowen River Hotel last month. Guest speaker Roger Landsberg, of...
Farm Financials
26 November 2018December 2018, Grazier SupportAgriculture is a sophisticated and highly technical industry, and contributes significantly to the Australian economy and community....
RCS Clinic
25 October 2018MediaLANDHOLDERS in Bowen and Collinsville have a unique opportunity to attend an RCS Grazing Clinic run by internationally acclaimed Dr...
Succession planning
25 October 2018MediaSUCCESSION planning for landholders can be difficult and at times stressful, but it’s important and must be addressed. Bowen and...
Radio interview
24 October 2018MediaPre-recorded Interview with Andrew Yates, project manager, NQ Dry Tropics' Landholders Driving Change project. Major says expressions...
Reef champions
23 October 2018Influencing, November 2018CONGRATULATIONS to local graziers who have been announced as finalists in the 2018 Reef Champion Awards. Barry and Leanne O’Sullivan,...
Drought review
16 October 2018Grazier Support, November 2018THE Queensland Government’s Drought Program is being reviewed. An expert panel is considering what has worked well, what could be...
Washdown opening
16 October 2018Grazier Support, November 2018THE Collinsville small vehicle washdown facility was officially opened last week by Cr Peter Ramage, Whitsunday Regional Council. The...
Carbon farming
16 October 2018Grazier Support, Incentives, November 2018CARBON farming projects generate income for landholders through changes in land management practices which reduce greenhouse gas...
Beefier panel
11 October 2018November 2018, PolicyThe LDC project is looking for more landholder representation on its project panel to provide strategic and management oversight....
Agronomy workshops
24 September 2018Grazier Support, November 2018, October 2018THE LDC has enlisted the expertise of agriculture consultant and qualified nutritionist Jim Wade of Wade Agriculture Consultants to...
Plan for succession
24 September 2018Grazier Support, November 2018, October 2018THE LDC has enlisted the expertise of Proagtive Agribusiness Solutions to deliver a Succession Planning workshop in Bowen. It’s aimed...
On-ground opportunities
24 September 2018August 2019, Grazier Support, June 2019, Landscape Remediation, November 2018, October 2018Grazing practice change is central to the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project because it is the proven most cost-effective way of...
Washdown working
24 September 2018Grazier Support, October 2018THE region’s first community washdown facility has been installed in Collinsville to prevent the spread of weeds. Designed for 4WDs,...
Whoa boy project
23 September 2018Grazier Support, October 2018MORE than 20 grazing properties are taking part in the whoa boy project that is being rolled out across the BBB catchment. LDC hosted...
Protecting land in the dry
21 September 2018Grazier Support, October 2018HIGHLY-respected grazing management consultant Brian Wehlburg spent a week in the BBB in mid-September visiting a number of...
30 August 2018Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, March 2019, September 2018LANDHOLDERS Driving Change is facilitating a multidisciplinary approach to designing cost-effective approaches to remediate large-scale...
Having a say
30 August 2018Grazier Support, September 2018NEVER before has a project taken such a wide-ranging approach to improving land and water quality at a catchment scale. Strong and...
Project Panel meets
30 August 2018September 2018THE next LDC project panel meeting will be held on 27 and 28 September. Panel members will also inspect several sites on which...
New Incentives update
30 August 2018Incentives, September 2018EXPLORING New Incentives is an important component of the LDC project, working with landholders to investigate a range of approaches...
Feral pig control
29 August 2018Grazier Support, November 2018, October 2018, September 2018THE LDC project will match landholders’ contributions towards the cost of the aerial control of feral pigs in the Whitsunday region. ...
Water monitoring groups
29 August 2018Grazier Support, September 2018The LDC has set up a Community Water Quality Monitoring Group, comprised of local graziers. These graziers will undertake water...
The need for an LDC
29 August 2018Policy, September 2018In response to the ongoing water quality impacts affecting the health of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), the Queensland and Australian...
Less stress
29 August 2018Grazier Support, September 2018The aim of the workshop is to help graziers to handle stock in a calm and confident manner in all situations. Topics covered include:...
Works at Mt Wickham
29 August 2018Landscape Remediation, September 2018LANDHOLDERS Driving Change is conducting a large-scale gully remediation project on Mt Wickham. In mid-August LDC staff walked the...
Gully work begins
28 August 2018Landscape Remediation, September 2018THANKS to the landholders who nominated potential gully remediation works. It was great to receive a high level of interest and it is...
Whoa boy project
28 August 2018Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, September 2018Never before has a whoa boy project rolled out across the BBB catchment. Every landholder in the catchment is invited to be involved. ...
Calling local business
15 August 2018MediaCalling local businesses!!! Help us deliver a major three-year project in the Bowen/Collinsville area!! The implementation phase for...
EOI for services
14 August 2018MediaAN Expression of Interest (EOI) campaign to deliver a wide range of services to graziers in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment...
Forum investigates best returns
13 August 2018MediaBURDEKIN graziers are adopting management practices for a more sustainable and productive farming future – and the results are in to...
Land access review
13 August 2018MediaLAND access laws for government agencies and utility companies who access properties in North Queensland must be strengthened to...
Weeds and biosecurity
13 August 2018MediaInvasive weeds are a serious problem in North Queensland, threatening the region’s economic and environmental sustainability, and early...
LDC project boosts economy
12 August 2018MediaEROSION is a big issue in the Dry Tropics of North Queensland. It causes valuable topsoil primarily from grazing lands to wash...
Rehydration workshop
25 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportAFTER experiencing a succession of dry winters, Mingela grazier Chris LeFeurve decided to take steps to improve the drought resilience...
Beef Up Forum
25 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportTHE LDC project will cover the admission fee and overnight accommodation for BBB landholders who attend the Beef Up Forum...
BBB Training
25 July 2018April 2019, August 2018, August 2019, December 2018, February 2019, Grazier Support, January 2019, November 2018, October 2018, September 2018THE LDC team has put together a suite of training opportunities that could be useful for graziers in the BBB. It is not a complete...
Landscape Rehydration
25 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportTHIS workshop is a must to attend. Learn about Natural Sequence Farming, soil rehydration and erosion control in grazing landscapes at...
Soil Health brochure
19 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportPEOPLE are the most important asset in any grazing business, but soil is a close second. Soil underpins the growth of all plants,...
Whoa boy project
19 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportNEVER before has a whoa boy project rolled out across the catchment. LDC will host highly-respected landcare specialist and plant...
RCS Grazing Clinic
19 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportThis power-packed two and a half day clinic will have you walking away with the confidence and practical know-how to go home and begin...
Less stress
19 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportThe aim of the workshop is to help graziers to handle stock in a calm and confident manner in all situations. Topics covered include:...
Eco-graze Workshop
18 July 2018August 2018, Grazier SupportEco-graze workshop Holistic Grazing Planning - Increasing pasture and animal productivity: Day 1 - learn about how nature functions...
Catchment repair sites
22 June 2018August 2018, June 2018, Landscape RemediationPROBLEM gullies are the focus of the first Landscape Remediation sites in the Landholders Driving Change project throughout the BBB...
Five Activity Areas
22 June 2018August 2018, June 2018, June 2019, March 2019, May 2018, PolicyTHE activities of the Landholders Driving Change project fall within five main areas: BBB Grazier Support; Landscape Remediation;...
Laser Level to borrow
22 June 2018August 2018, Grazier Support, June 2018THE LDC project now has a state-of-the-art laser level to help landholders plan and design surface water management structures....
Training opportunities
22 June 2018June 2018THE list of training opportunities available to landholders in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie catchment area through the Landholders Driving...
BBB Gully Repair
22 June 2018June 2018, Landscape RemediationGOT an eroding gully problem? If you’re in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie catchment, you’re probably in luck. The Landholders Driving Change...
Washdown facility
21 June 2018Grazier Support, June 2018THE region’s first community washdown facility is expected to open in Collinsville in July, 2018. LDC committed to fund the small...