International Riversymposium 2018
LANDHOLDERS Driving Change is facilitating a multidisciplinary approach to designing cost-effective approaches to remediate large-scale dispersive erosion gully features on grazing lands.
Alluvium Consulting Australia, principal consultant overseeing the large-scale remediation works on Mt Wickham, will speak about the project at the International Riversymposium 2018, held in Sydney on 14-18 October.
Many organisations have been working together on the Landholders Driving Change project under the leadership of NQ Dry Tropics, bringing together geomorphologists, engineers, soil scientists, ecologists and social scientists to design and trial cost-effective approaches to remediate large-scale dispersive erosion gully features on grazing lands in the BBB catchment.
The rationale is to deliver strategic guidance and costed, risk-based, transferrable solutions for large-scale gully landscape remediation in the catchment.
At International Riversymposium 2018, representatives from Alluvium will speak about the design process, approach and methods being used in the LDC project.
The Great Barrier Reef is currently experiencing an unprecedented level of investment that represents a shared commitment by the Australian and Queensland State Governments, local municipalities, research organisations, natural resource management and catchment groups, non-government organisations, landowners and private business to mitigate the many and varied risks facing the long-term protection of this natural wonder of the world.
One of the largest investments to date has been by the Queensland Government to design and deliver Major Integrated Projects that are intended to pilot land management and repair approaches within selected target catchments, with the aim of developing a self-sustaining package of interventions and tools transferable to other GBR catchments.
Landholders Driving Change is one of two Major Integrated Project (MIPs) recommended by the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce.
The other MIP aims to reduce nutrient and pesticide runoff from cane and banana farms in the Wet Tropics region.
The Queensland government has committed a total of $33 million to fund both MIPs, which aim to concentrate efforts at a catchment scale, and evaluate their effectiveness.
Fresh water, the stuff of life
LESS than 1 per cent of the planet surface comprises fresh water, yet it is this fresh water – our rivers, lakes and wetlands – that sustains us. Rivers underpin our economies, providing water for agricultural lands, fisheries, tourism and cities to support growing populations.
More than ever, we need to embrace innovative practices to manage our rivers and river basins.
The 21st International Riversymposium will facilitate critical thinking, focus on solutions and inspire delegates to move beyond ‘business as usual’ approaches.
More information about the Riversymposium is available here.
More information about Alluvium Consulting Australia is available here.