Does a landscape rehydration day whet your whistle?
Sam Skeat from the Mulloon Institute describing the patterns of depositional fans opn the bank of an eroded gully..
Let us know if you’re interested
NQ Dry Tropics plans to run a Landscape Rehydration Workshop with Regenerative Agriculture Consultant for The Mulloon Institute Sam Skeat before the end of the year.
It’s important to us to run workshops that are relevant to landholders and we’re keen to gauge interest in the workshop.
NQ Dry Tropics plans to run a Landscape Rehydration Workshop before the end of the year.
This workshop will provide a foundational understanding of a grazing property’s water cycle and different approaches to rehydrating rural landscapes.
Participants will learn to identify the influence of a property’s geological and hydrological features and diagnose the health of a landscape.
The workshop will also explore a range of strategies, including natural structures, to optimise a property’s water cycle and improve landscape function.
Presenter Sam Skeat, of The Mulloon Institute, has significant experience in landscape processes and how to use rehydration design to rebuild degraded areas into functional, productive landscapes.
Combining rehydration practices and grazing practices can deliver ecological and productive returns.
The workshop will be hosted by Landholders Driving Change, funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.