Vegetation Management made clear workshops… if they’re wanted
Landholders seeking clarity about Queensland’s Vegetation Management laws are encouraged to register their interest in attending a workshop with representatives from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Given enough interest, the plan is to hold a Bowen workshop and another in Charters Towers early in the new financial year.
The intention is that DNR representatives can deliver first-hand information about the legislative responsibilities for landholders (and their contractors) to ensure compliance with legislation.
There will opportunity to have questions addressed, as well as seeing vegetation work underway.
Workshop organiser, NQ Dry Tropics Senior Grazing Officer Carleigh Drew, said it was important for landholders to get accurate and current information on how to manage a property within the laws including preparation for, or recovery from, natural disasters, maintaining fire breaks, managing encroachment, installing property infrastructure and weed control.
“We want graziers to walk away confident they know what their legislative responsibilities are, and specifically, what they can and cannot do,” Ms Drew said.
“It’s about opening up the lines of communication. The more comfortable people become seeking information, asking questions and getting answers, the more efficient their business decision-making will be.”
To register your interest and for more information, contact:
Vegetation Management workshops are popular. Previous workshops include those at Bowen River (above) and the Bowen offices of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (below).