Wide-ranging suite of training opportunities available

The BBB Grazier Support program aims to provide all local graziers with education, training, and technical support to help develop their skills and knowledge and to implement practice change for water quality improvement while continuing to improve profitability.
We encourage landholders to undertake training in six core areas:
- design and contracting (conservation earthworks);
- finance and economics;
- whole of property planning;
- agronomy;
- soil health; and
- weed and pest management (biosecurity).
Graziers can take part in as many training opportunities as they wish throughout the life of the LDC project. Where possible, each service area will be tailored to your unique property needs and priorities.
Training can be provided on-property or in small groups on a property setting or at a local community building.
For courses which attract a fee, 75 per cent of registration costs are reimbursed by the LDC project.
Contact the LDC team if you’re interested in a particular area of training and it doesn’t appear here.
Agronomy, Soil Health
MLA EDGEnetwork
Delivered by MLA, industry and DAF staff at regional locations. Refer here for landholder testimonials and further information. Discounts for multiple attendees from the same business.
Grazing Land Management EDGE
Improve the productivity and sustainability of your land. Three-day course delivered by MLA and DAF staff.
RCS – Resource Consulting Services
Variety of courses including Grazing for Profit (7 days), Business of Grazing (3-1/2 days), Pasture to Pocket (2-1/2 days), Grazing Clinic (3 days), Healthy Soils (1 day), Profit Probe.
Holistic Management
Brian Wehlburg or Dick Richardson course.
Peer Support (Landholder Requested)
Utilisation of another landholder to deliver property specific technical information on-farm i.e. Feed budgeting, pasture health, property planning. Duration negotiable and organised via request to NQ Dry Tropics beforehand.
Providing landholders with practical tools for improving pasture monitoring and management skills. Improving the ability to budget pasture and develop better long term carrying capacities. DAF delivered on farm either via group or 1:1 with landholder.
Soil Health and pastures
Looking at the relationship between plants, soil health and soil biology as well as tools and information. Delivery by structured programs or one on one property advice. Providers include DAF, RCS, David Hardwick, Judi Earl, CSIRO, Griffith University, James Cook University, Verterra and Greening Australia.
Conservation Earthworks Technical Training and Design Contracting
Delivered by technical specialist in group setting on-farm. For example Landscape Rehydration workshop (1 or 2 day), Darryl Hill conservation earthworks planning workshop (half to 1 day) (Construction of cross banks (whoa boys), rehabilitation or re-siting roads).
Weed and Pest
Develop a biosecurity plan for your property. By arrangement assistance can be provided to develop on property Biosecurity Plans either through group or one on one delivery. DAF extension officers or external consultants. (Note: this is independent to any Regional Council’s approved pest plan).
Property weed and pest plan
Delivered in group or 1:1 by consultant (i.e. Whitsunday Ag Services, Tapiolas Weed Control, Laymac Excavations, Revegetation Contractors, Harcoo Enterprises, Ecosure, Eco-Momentum, Rod Kerr) (Note: this is independent to any Regional Council’s approved pest plan).
Finance and economics
Business EDGE
Understand and manage enterprise performance, including understanding what the key profit drivers are, how to influence them and what effect they have on overall business performance. Analysis of the beef business and business opportunities. $1200 for 2 days.
KLR Marketing
Delivered in Brisbane or regional locations in group situation. 2.5 days. Learn to Calculate whether animals are overpriced or under-priced, Balance your Grass, Money and Livestock, Protect your equity, Determine the true value of your grass, Calculate your Cost of Carry and its crucial effect on your marketing decisions.
TMO (Testing Management Options)
A stepping stone into cattle whole farm economics using a “what if…” spreadsheet tool. $300 for 1 day. Delivered by Grazing BMP and Agforce.
Breedcow Dynama
The Breedcow and Dynama software package is designed to plan, evaluate and improve the profitability and financial management of extensive beef cattle enterprises. Comprehensive analysis of herd structure and performance. Assess different options for marketing and herd dynamics. – Delivered by a DAF staff member 1:1 on-farm.
Resource Consulting Services
Business of Grazing course, 3 or 3.5 day.
Whole of Property Planning
Property planning and mapping
Utilising property mapping and continuous improvement process to assist landholders to develop a holistic property plan considering ecological, production, financial and social goals. Delivered by external providers, DAF staff or NQDT staff 1:1 with landholder on request.
Computer mapping software package that equips landholders with new skills and knowledge in on-line digital farm mapping. FarmMap4D has a number of innovative products and tools of use to graziers to assist them in planning, monitoring and managing grazing enterprise decisions i.e. Vegmachine, Forage. Training provided 1:1 with landholder or via group setting via LDC approved trainer. 3 year registration complementary for participants.
Google Mapping
Property mapping utilising freely available Google Earth and accessing relevant and up to date QLD Government data through QLD Globe. Delivered by DAF, NQDT staff or external providers.
Phoenix Mapping
Computer mapping software package with workshops delivered by AGDATA’s trainers and Agforce. Program integrates easily with the PHOENIX suite of products which is a comprehensive & integrated financial & farm management system.
Personal development and Workplace Health and Safety
Communication training
The Right Mind with Jill Rigney. Regional Locations i.e. Townsville, Charters Towers. 1 or 2 day courses.
Rural leaders boot camp
Three-day course in Brisbane delivered by The Right Mind.
Succession planning and business communication
Developing skills and processes to improve family discussions around business hand-overs. Group training externally or 1:1 on-farm with specialist.
Chemcert training
Variety of providers.
OHS or WHS training
Practical tools to meet regulatory requirements and improve safety on property. Variety of providers i.e. CHRRUP Safe Station.
Animal Production
Breeding EDGE
Designed to help you develop a cattle breeding program or improve your existing one. Topics covered include examining your current situation, reproduction issues, genetics, setting breeding objectives, livestock selection and managing the herd to capture benefits. Breeding and genetics workshop.
Nutrition EDGE
Gives a comprehensive look at ruminant nutrition. The topics covered include minerals and managing deficiencies, pasture growth and quality, and grazing management. Workshop covering all aspects of animal nutrition.
Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination training. Delivered by external providers and Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges.
Bull selection
Practical bull selection using EBVs and other objective measures. Delivered by consultant via field days subject to numbers.
Pregnancy diagnosis
Training in rectal palpation for pregnancy diagnosis. Delivered by external providers and Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges.
Stock handling and Breeder management
Training in the low stress and effective management of livestock. Delivered by external providers i.e. Jim Lindsay.
Breeders management
Effective management and performance recording of breeder herds in extensive northern beef operations. ADF staff can assist or external providers such as Ian Braithwaite.
Animal nutrition
Increasing the understanding of managing ruminants in an extensive production model. Strategies for cost effective, profitable feeding systems to support animal production. How to best use blood sampling and NIRS to gain a better understanding of the nutritional profile of the beef operation. Delivered by DAF, MLA and external providers i.e. Jim Wade who be visiting the BBB catchment in the first week of December.
Ration Calc
A spreadsheet tool for formulating and comparing supplement options and costs with animal requirements. Delivered by DAF staff 1:1 on farm. Can be used in nutrition workshop.
LDC Grazing staff can give further details on course accreditation and appropriate providers.