Jan 10, 2020 | Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, Media, October 2019
Inspecting stage one of the gully rehabilitation works at Mt Wickham. Garlone Moulin, of Mt Pleasant, talks about management practices and biodviersity on the property. Glencore’s David Gallo shares knowledge about landscape remediation methodologies on mine...
Sep 19, 2019 | October 2019
Check out the latest reports on the Great Barrier Reef The latest reports on Great Barrier Reef water quality are available. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has published the 2019 Reef Outlook Report, examining the Reef’s health, pressures, and likely...
Sep 19, 2019 | October 2019
Graziers, officials from the Department of Environment and Science, Landholders Driving Change team members at the first regulations meeting convened at the Grandview Hotel, Bowen, by the Office of the Great Barrier Reef to discuss the minimum standards for the...
Sep 19, 2019 | October 2019
Susan Vail, Salisbury Plains (left), with Elisa Nichols, Department of Environment and Science (DES). Second policy roundtable a chance to influence decision makersLDC will host a policy roundtable in Townsville in the New Year. This will be the second round table to...
Sep 19, 2019 | October 2019
Bec Clapperton, Salisbury Plains. Jim Lindsay explaining how to observe cattle moving in the yards, and how best to handle them in a calm way. Low stress handling: keep calm and move them on SIXTEEN landholders attended a two-day low stress stock handling school at...
Sep 19, 2019 | October 2019
Dr Ian Braithwaite explains the theory behind how to readily identify highly productive females within the herd and retain ideal breeders and offspring for future replacement heifer selection. Breeder Management and Preg Testing Training.2-day workshop, 25 – 26...