Inspecting stage one of the gully rehabilitation works at Mt Wickham.
Garlone Moulin, of Mt Pleasant, talks about management practices and biodviersity on the property.
Glencore’s David Gallo shares knowledge about landscape remediation methodologies on mine sites and principals that are transferable to smaller scale sites.
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Halfway through… and the change is clear
The NQ Dry Tropics’ Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project has reached the halfway point.
It is piloting land management and repair approaches at a catchment scale, evaluating their effectiveness in
improving water quality and long-term sustainable land management.
The project is concentrating effort in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment, near Bowen and Collinsville.
To showcase the project’s achievements, and to outline the next phase of activities, graziers and delivery partners toured the BBB.
The bus carried 35 participants, including graziers, scientists, engineering, mines and technical experts.
They visited Mt Wickham Station where the first stage of landscape rehabilitation has been completed and Glenbowen Station, where on-ground large scale gully remediation works were about to start.
The group also visited Mt Pleasant Station which has been established as a demonstration site and learning hub to ground-truth a wide range of grazing management and landscape remediation techniques.
The day ended with a social event at the Collinsville Community Centre to thank supporters of the LDC project.
LDC is a Burdekin Major Integrated Project funded by the Queensland Government through the Queensland Reef Water Quality Program.
Dr Rebecca Bartley, research scientist, CSIRO Land and Water, talks about the water quality monitoring program that CSIRO are conducting at Mt Wickham as part of the monitoring and evaluation program.
Grazier Glen Rea, Kirknie Station, provided an overview of his family business and his involvement with the LDC community water quality monitoring group.
LDC project manager Lisa Hutchinson (left), with Glenbowen Station graziers Melissa, Darcy and Christian Cormack.