Soil guide, videos help farmers assess soil health
David Hardwick addresses Bowen horticulturists about the importance of maintaining soil health
David Hardwick explains how to measure the infiltration rate in soils.
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Online toolbox launched
NQ DRY Tropics has developed an online tool box to help landholders assess the condition of soil on different land types across their properties.
The tool box consists of a Rapid Assessment of Soil Health (RASH) Manual, written by well known agricultural ecologist David Hardwick, of Soil Land Food, and six ‘how to test soil’ videos designed to complement the RASH Manual.
The toolbox supports soil health training that NQ Dry Tropics runs across its region.
The ‘how to videos’ provides a step by step guide on how to carry out soil tests. The series includes an introduction to the RASH approach to soil health, assessing ground cover, assessing water infiltration, soil texture, soil aggregate testing, soil organism testing and soil pH testing.
The toolbox resource has been funded by NQ Dry Tropics Sustainable Agriculture programs and the Landholders Driving Change project. The videos can be found here.