Strathmore gully remediation gets cultural heritage go-ahead
A CULTURAL clearance report has given the nod to LDC to carry out its fourth large-scale gully remediation project. The assessment concluded there were no impediments to accessing, or traversing the project footprint.
A cultural heritage survey and impact assessment was completed at the gully site on Strathmore in consultation with the Birriah People to address NQ Dry Tropics’ obligations and cultural heritage duty of care under the Queensland Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003.
Aboriginal cultural heritage surveys are conducted to identify places in the landscape which contain or embody Aboriginal heritage values, not just sites.
Michele Bird, of North Queensland Cultural Heritage Pty Ltd was commissioned, and endorsed by Birriah Cultural Heritage Services, as technical advisor and project archaeologist to assist the Birriah people in coordinating a cultural field survey of planned remediation sites.
A number of artefacts were found and, having collected them for safe-keeping, the Birriah People determined there were no other obstacles to the project.
Representatives who attended the fieldwork on Strathmore Station were: Birriah Elder Algon Walsh; Birriah cultural officers James Palmer and Rasharna Prior; North Qld Cultural Heritage’s Michele Bird; and NQ Dry Tropics’ LDC representative Daniel Hazelman.

Archaeologist Michele Bird from North Queensland Cultural Heritage during the Birriah Cultural Heritage survey at Strathmore Station.
NQ Dry Tropics landscape remediation project officer Dan Hazelman at the gully remediation site on Strathmore Station.
Work begins on complicated Strathmore Station gully
Work is expected to start in September on LDC’s fourth large-scale gully on Strathmore Station near the Bowen River rodeo grounds, 1.3km from the Bower River bridge.
The location was selected by the Griffith University project team as a high-value site to reduce fine sediments entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.
Remediation will focus on a number of the highly-active gullies on a small right-hand tributary to Red Hill Creek, which joins Red Hill Creek about 2km upstream from the confluence of the creek and Bowen River.
The design has been led by engineering firms Verterra and Alluvium Consulting as an Unincorporated Joint Venture. They will manage the works which will be carried out by local contractors.
The works comprise :
- Re-shaping and soil amelioration of the northern gullies .
- Construction of a contour drain that will direct flows into a single-entry point.
- Construction of an in-channel rock chute to capture sediment.
- Soil amelioration of disturbed areas (sub-surface and surface).
- Soil amelioration and revegetation of disturbed gully and scalded areas.
- Installation of fencing around the works.
A field walk to inspect and discuss the gully remediation efforts will be held following the completion of works.
The other LDC large-scale gully sites in the BBB are at Glen Bowen, (you can read all about it in this edition), and Mt Wickham.