Measuring herd performance a key step

  • March-December
  • Across the BBB catchment

MEASURING and benchmarking the herd’s performance and productivity is a key step in analysing the profitability and productivity of your grazing enterprise.

Producers in the BBB catchment are invited to be involved in the catchment wide preg-testing program. Testing for the first 500 cows will be available free of charge.

Producers can use their own vet or can opt for well known Ian Braithwaite to carry out preg-testing.

Dr Braithwaite will be in the BBB 12-13 June.  A second round of dates will be available soon. The grazing team will be in contact with you once these dates are confirmed.

Conditions apply, and participants will also be required to develop a herd management plan with an approved consultant of their choice.

An Animal Production field day will be held on 6 June, location to be confirmed.  Graziers will be notified once details have been finalised.

Contact your LDC grazing team to find out more.

The herd performance and productivity service is part of the LDC’s BBB Grazier Support integrated program rolling out this year.

For more information: BBB Grazier Support program.


  • Brendan Smith on 0417 408 587
  • Rodger Walker on 0408 828 276
  • Adrienne Hall on 0428 158 859

Veterinarian Ian Braithwaite during a preg-testing workshop