Cultural survey, impact assessment complete
A cultural heritage survey and impact assessment was completed on Havilah last month in consultation with the Birriah People to address NQ Dry Tropics’ obligations and cultural heritage duty of care under the Queensland Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (ACHA).
Aboriginal cultural heritage surveys are conducted to identify places in the landscape that contain or embody Aboriginal heritage values, not just sites. Cultural Heritage Solutions was commissioned, and endorsed by Birriah Aboriginal Corporation (Registered Native Title Body Corporate), to assist the Birriah People in coordinating a cultural field survey.
Preparatory treatment works were carried out earlier this year to address the active portions of the gully complex by Verterra’s land rehabilitation team.
Local contractors Coalfields Services and Beauchamp’s Excavating constructed three rock chutes, and reshaped eroded banks. Soil ameliorants were applied, and upstream extents of gullies and broader scalded areas were revegetated. The technical designs have been prepared by engineering firms Alluvium and Veterra, and Veterra is project-managing the works.
Next year’s works will focus on stabilising seven hectares of gullies and their immediate catchments.
When completed, the project area will be fenced to exclude stock to protect the remediation works and to help with natural rehabilitation.
The site will be monitored to measure remediation effectiveness.
The overall aim of the remedial work is to ascertain the control measures capable of permanently reducing alluvial gully erosion and associated sediment and particulate nutrient export.
Total fine sediment savings from this site is expected to be 1600 tonnes per year.
Representatives of the Birriah Traditional Owners and North Queensland Cultural Heritage conduct a cultural survey across the site of intended gully remediation works at Havilah Station.