Belinda Callanan, TH9 Outdoor Services.
MLA demonstration sites ramp up operations
THE BBB’s two Producer Demonstration Sites have enlisted biosecurity and land management experts to help them meet their objectives.
LDC has partnered with Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) to develop two Producer Demonstration Sites to improve business productivity and profitability outcomes.
They are:
- Collinsville Region Regenerative Grazier Network (a five-year project); and
- Integrated Catchment-wide Priority Weed Management Group (a three-year project).
Grazing Naturally principal Dick Richardson will provide land management and animal performance support to the Collinsville Region Regenerative Grazier Network.
Click here to read more about Dick’s unique way of sharing knowledge.
This project requires significant monitoring of pastures and a CSIRO research project will undertake monitoring on a number of properties taking part in this project. Bowen grazing support officer Sheridan Callcott will also be providing in-field site monitoring support
The Integrated Catchment-wide Priority Weed Management Group has developed weed management plans with TH9 Outdoor Services principal Belinda Callanan. Ms Callanan will advise and assist the group throughout the life of the project.
LDC grazing support team leader Mick Shannon is working with each property to develop implementation projects and contracts which are expected to be finalised in August.
Click here for more information on the demonstration sites.
Dick Richardson, Grazing Naturally.