Diversion banks stop erosion, increase infiltration
Diversion banks constructed above the head of a gully on Dartmoor Station, near Collinsville, have halted the progress of the gully head.
Instead of running into the gully system, water is now being held in the landscape by the banks improving water infiltration.
Rehydrating landscapes is about making use of what little water there is, and reinstating the hydrological processes to return landscapes to as close as possible to their original state. This means filling the sponge (storing water) under the bit of country that is being reinstated.
Landscape rehydration works include (but are not limited to) activities such as:
- leaky weirs;
- embankments;
- rock ramps;
- contour banks; and
- watercourse plantings.
When complemented by a controlled grazing management plan, the outcomes can include eroded areas being restored, increased productive capacity of the grazing landscape, improved ecological health and improved water quality.
This case study shows how the landscape is being rehydrated to build resilience and improve productivity. The Mulloon Institute designed cost-effective works to stop an actively eroding gully head encroaching onto productive grazing land.
Grazing Naturally provided advice and oversaw the implementation of a rotational grazing plan that observes the environment responds appropriately with livestock management.
A gully head was encroaching onto productive grazing land.
A series of rehydration banks, each about 200 metres long, were constructed above the head of a gully. The aim was to halt the progress of the gully head.
Water is now being held in the landscape by the banks instead of running into the gully system, improving water infiltration. The area was seeded with native grasses (in 2021) prior to the wet season.
Early indications are positive. Water is being held in the landscape following the wet season. A complementary grazing management plan has been implemented to improve ground cover and soil health.
This was complemented by minor works on another part of the property that included the construction of diversion banks, ripping and soil amelioration.