LDC team is looking for
catchment repair sites
PROBLEM gullies are the focus of the first Landscape Remediation sites in the Landholders Driving Change project throughout the BBB catchment.
Landholders with an active gully on their property have until 10 August to contact an LDC team member so it can be assessed as a possible LDC task and demonstration site.
BBB landholders also have a suite of funded on-ground works available to them as part of the Landholders Driving Change project to help them reduce sediment in the water flowing into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.
Here are some of the options available:
- Diversion banks and water spreading structures – to control water flow across paddocks and manage water flow at, before, or after, erosion features i.e. grassed or ungrassed diversion banks.
- Sediment traps / Silt traps – to slow water flow and collect sediment from erosion features.
- Direct on ground rehabilitation – earthworks, grade control, soil stabilisation, revegetation.
- Within gully management structures such as rock chutes, rock armouring, use of mulching products, spray-on batters, bio-layering, gully reshaping.
- Road and farm trail works – construction of cross banks (whoa boys), rehabilitation or re-siting roads.
- Contour ripping – to enhance pasture and soil water holding ability.
- Re-seeding of pasture – to improve productivity of pastures, repair degraded areas, or repair preferentially-grazed areas (i.e. can also require fencing or ripping).
- Water distribution infrastructure and water points – to control grazing pressure and enable grazing land management change.
- Off-stream water points – to manage grazing pressure off natural water features.
- Permanent paddock fencing – to manage pastures or specific erosion features.
- Permanent riparian fencing – to promote protection of high value wetland and waterway areas.
- Temporary fencing – with, or without, cattle exclusion to improve land condition.
Contact the LDC team to discuss a tailored solution for your property.