Grants available to tackle problem gullies
Bowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 to fix problem small-scale gullies.
Remediated gullies help reduce erosion and slow water movement, keeping it on property where it can help improve soil and pasture health and reduce sediment loss.
Graziers can undertake small-scale gully and erosion features works through a range of remediation options, including:
- rock chutes for gully head protection;
- diversion banks and water spreading structures to control and manage water flow across paddocks at, before, or after, erosion features;
- ripping for scald rehabilitation;
- sediment or silt traps to slow water flow and collect sediment;
- repairing degraded areas or preferentially-grazed area through reseeding pasture (can also require fencing or ripping);
- new fences to allow for control of seasonal overgrazing on re-establishing pastures; and
- water distribution to better control grazing pressure and improve land condition.
Sediment savings are determined using the CSIRO and Department of Resources Sediment Calculator Tool, and on-site sediment savings will be dependent on the specific actions and practices implemented.
A wide range of ongoing training and support opportunities is available to help project participants bring their overall plans to fruition.
We want to make the application process as straightforward as possible. An LDC team member will help graziers complete the application and advise on applicable remediation methods to ensure the project has the greatest likelihood of success.
For more information on small gully repair, contact:
Video showing five different techniques for small-scale gullies.