8th International Gully Symposium
More than 100 delegates including engineers, scientists and practitioners, from Australia, USA, China, Japan, Germany, Spain, France, Poland, India, Italy, Ethiopia and South Africa attended the symposium. The symposium included field trips to Virginia Park Station near Charters Towers and Mount Wickham Station, Collinsville. Participants on the Mt Wickham field trip outside the Bowen River Hotel as part of the 8th International Symposium on Gully Erosion.
NQ Dry Tropics Landscape Remediation Officer Sheyanne Frisby (left) speaking at Mt Wickham with Dr Rebecca Bartley, Research Scientist, CSIRO.
Glenn Dale (Verterra) standing waist high in pasture on a spot that was scaled and badly eroded only six months earlier.
Delegates at the Inernational Gully Symposium on a field trip to Virginia Park Station near Charters Towers posed for a photograph beside the historical flood marker at the Macrossan Bridge over the Burdekin River after listening to a presentation delivered on the riverbed beneath the bridge (photo below).
NQ Dry Tropics Soil Conservation Officer Neil Cupples (left) and Mauro Rossi (Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica).
NQ Dry Tropics LDC Acting Landscape Remediation Officer Sheyanne Frisby, Graeme Curwen (Griffith Uni), and Belinda Wedlock (Mary River Catchment).
NQ Dry Tropics Senior Project Officer Scott Fry, Prof. Xiong Donghong (Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences IMHE), Chris Poole, Xiaobing Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Virginia Park Station grazier Matt Bennetto (left) with NQ Dry Tropics Grazing Team Leader Jared Sunderland.