Jun 16, 2022 | Grazier Support, June 2022
Honing our skills Our grazing team has taken part in Land Condition Assessment Tool (LCAT) training with Rob Hassett, of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF). NQ Dry Tropics works hard to help deliver better outcomes for landholders in the Burdekin region...
Jun 15, 2022 | June 2022, Landscape Remediation
Get onto the list of qualified contractors NQ Dry Tropics maintains a register of contractors to work on large-scale gully remediation projects in the BBB. Expression of Interest (EOI) documents are available to help contractors and suppliers to provide the necessary...
May 9, 2022 | June 2022, Landscape Remediation
Diversion banks stop erosion, increase infiltration Diversion banks constructed above the head of a gully on Dartmoor Station, near Collinsville, have halted the progress of the gully head. Instead of running into the gully system, water is now being held in the...
May 9, 2022 | Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2022
Bob got more grass with rotational grazing LDC project panel member Bob Harris has worked hard over the past 10 years to get more from his land with the right grazing system. We spoke to him about what he has achieved. Brought up on a dairy in Victoria, Bob always...