LDC Project Manager Andrew Yates (left), Senior Grazing Field Officer Brendan Smith and Land Management Coordinator Rodger Walker (right)
LDC project to boost Bowen, Collinsville… and keep soil on the land
Tuesday 9 January 2018
- The implementation phase of a large scale water quality and land improvement project that involves the Bowen and Collinsville communities to achieve long-term economic, social and environmental benefits starts this week.
- The project will boost the local economy over the next few years by providing opportunities for locals to deliver services such as hiring and operating earthmoving machinery; land repair and environmental improvement; and farm based professional support.
- NQ Dry Tropics is calling for Expression of Interest for these services today. Businesses have until Friday 9 February to lodge an EOI. Refer to the NQ Dry Tropics website for a copy of the EOI documents.
EROSION is a big issue in the Dry Tropics of North Queensland. It causes valuable topsoil primarily from grazing lands to wash downstream, carrying fine sediment particles that reduce the amount of light needed by coral reefs and seagrass to grow and thrive.
NQ Dry Tropics’ Landholders Driving Change project aims to tackle erosion and improve land management, productivity and Reef water quality in the Burdekin region – and graziers have been helping to design solutions.
NQ Dry Tropics CEO Dr Scott Crawford said that Landholders Driving Change is focused on the high-priority Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment near Bowen and Collinsville, which produces almost a quarter of the total fine sediment load that ends up on the Reef.
“This project will deliver a flexible program of activities designed by local graziers and tailored to their needs,” Dr Crawford said.
“From the very start, we asked local graziers to get involved and put forward ideas about how to keep soil on the land and improve productivity.
“This project combines graziers’ knowledge with the latest scientific research. It will trial and develop solutions designed to remove the social, financial and technical barriers to practice change.
“These could include supporting graziers with extension and training, land rehabilitation, investigating incentives, and looking at ways to link landholders with policy makers to cut down on red tape.
“And because erosion isn’t just an issue for graziers, this project aims to involve all land managers in the BBB, including mines, utilities and government departments.
“For the first time, a project at this scale aims to work with a whole community to achieve long-term economic, social and environmental benefits.
“The Queensland Government officially approved the project plan at the end of August 2017, and since then we have been working hard to put in place the resources and support necessary to roll out the project over the next three years. This includes establishing an implementation team, with key staff located in our Bowen office.
“Our team will be visiting properties in the catchment this month to determine exactly how this project can support graziers to improve long-term land management and productivity,” Dr Crawford said.
The project will also boost the local economy over the next few years by providing opportunities for locals to deliver services such as hiring and operating earthmoving machinery; land repair and environmental improvement; and farm based professional support.
An Expression of Interest process opens this week. Go to the NQ Dry Tropics website www.nqdrytropics.com.au/expression-of-interest-eoi for a copy of the EOI documents. The offer period is for three years, to January 2020 and there is potential for suppliers to provide services for other NQ Dry Tropics projects. The EOI closes on 9 February.