Calling all local businesses
Calling local businesses!!! Help us deliver a major three-year project in the Bowen/Collinsville area!!
The implementation phase for our Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project is underway!
This three-year project, funded by Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland aims to keep soil on land on properties around the Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment around Collinsville.
This will help to improve water quality on the Great Barrier Reef.
Our project team is in place and will shortly be starting property visits to determine how we can work with local graziers to tackle erosion, increase pasture cover and boost productivity.
LDC will also boost the local economy, and we have started establishing a pool of approved service providers to help deliver the project. In today’s Burdekin Advocate and Bowen Independent we put out a call for expressions of interest for local businesses to get involved.
Please get in touch if you can offer:
- EARTHMOVING MACHINERY AND SERVICES: e.g. erosion control and land rehabilitation; pushing gravel stockpiles, loading and carting; constructing fire breaks and fence lines;
- LAND REPAIR AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICES: e.g. weed management, constructing and installing erosion control structures, managing farm water supply; or
- FARM-BASED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: e.g. property planning; design treatments for gully erosion; landscape level weed management planning; delivering on-farm training in land management, grazing production systems, pasture agronomy (for example); financial planning services.
Find out more about the Expression of Interest here:
To find out more about the project, visit
Engage & Create Consulting Great Barrier Reef Foundation AgForce North AgForce QueenslandReef Alliance Greening Australia TropWATERCSIRO RCS – Resource Consulting Services Griffith University
Eilis Walker Alluvium Consulting Garlone Moulin Cape York Natural Resource ManagementTerrain NRM Reef Catchments Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Southern Gulf NRMBurnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management I believe in a sustainable CQQueensland Murray-Darling CommitteeABC North Queensland North Queensland Register The Great Barrier Reef – Queensland Government FutureBeefAustralian Department of the Environment and Energy Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Brendan Smith Bowen Independent Whitsunday Regional Council Bowen’s Reef to Ranges Bowen Tourism & Business Grazing BMP Melton Grazing George Christensen Josh Frydenberg 7 News TownsvilleCondamine Alliance Brian Wehlburg