Regenerating desert land
3 August 2023Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, Media, September 2023Chihuahuan Desert rancher Alejandro Carrillo has worked for 15 years to dramatically improve the soil and pasture on his 12,000ha...
Landscape Reyhdration day
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics plans to run a Landscape Rehydration Workshop before the end of the year. This workshop will provide a foundational...
Gully maintenance
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics is maintaining and monitoring gullies remediated between 2017 and 2020 through the LDC project. The aim is to evaluate...
Weetalaba first test
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationThe dust had barely settled on a Weetalaba Station landscape rehydration project when it copped a lashing from an intense rain event...
RSS MLA field days
11 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationA cluster of properties in the Bowen and Collinsville area have been ground-truthing a range of landscape remediation and grazing...
Lots on offer — Gullies
10 May 2023June 2023, Landscape RemediationGot a small gully or erosion problem? We can help tailor solutions to remediate small-scale eroding gullies. Two options are available...
Gully maintenance
22 November 2022December 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics has secured funding to maintain and monitor gullies remediated between 2017 and 2020. During this time, Landholders...
Belmore in design phase
16 November 2022December 2022, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedDetailed technical design plans are being developed to remediate a large-scale gully system on Belmore Station, near Collinsville....
Havilah cultural survey
16 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationA cultural heritage survey and impact assessment was completed on Havilah last month in consultation with the Birriah People to address...
Maintenance funding
16 November 2022December 2022, Landscape RemediationBetween 2017-2020, the Landholders Driving Change project completed 25 gully remediation projects (five large-scale and 20 small-scale...
On-ground gully works
10 November 2022December 2022, Grazier Support, Incentives, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedOn-ground remediation works include five large-scale gullies and 20 small-scale gully sites. Collectively, these gully works treated...
The Challenge
9 November 2022December 2022, Landscape Remediation, PolicyFine sediment and nutrients from agricultural land are a significant threat to the Great Barrier Reef. The Burdekin catchment is the...
8 November 2022December 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics has contracted Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) to design remediation plans for 10 gully erosion...
Glenmore intervention
8 November 2022December 2022, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedThree years ago Collinsville grazier Jim Hillier, of Glenmore Station, reshaped a few small gullies, installed several dams and put in...
Contractors EOI
15 June 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics is updating its register of contractors to work on large-scale gully remediation projects in the BBB....
Dartmoor rehydration
9 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationDiversion banks constructed above the head of a gully has halted the progress of the gully head. Water is now being held in the...
Gully days
8 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationLDC has hosted field days at the Havilah and Gattonvale large-scale gully remediation site to bring landholders in at the beginning so...
Monitoring Update
5 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationMonitoring project activities helps keep track of milestones and monitor progress towards pre-defined project outcomes....
Gully prioritisation
5 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationLDC and Griffith University mapped gullies in the BBB to help prioritise gully rehabilitation projects. Ground verification work has...
4 May 2022Grazier Support, June 2022, Landscape RemediationTreatment of a large actively eroding alluvial gully complex near Collinsville marks LDC’s fifth large-scale gully remediation site....
UNESCO visit
4 May 2022June 2022, Landscape RemediationNQ Dry Tropics hosted the United Nations monitoring mission when it toured North Queensland. So much has been achieved by graziers in...
4 May 2022Grazier Support, June 2022, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedBowen Broken Bogie (BBB) catchment graziers are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $20,000 to fix problem small-scale gullies....
Hats off to the BBB
10 November 2021December 2021, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicySalute to the BBB community. It’s been a privilege working with you on the LDC project since its inception....
Mt P data
2 June 2021Grazier Support, June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe 2019-20 wet season monitoring results are in for the Mt Pleasant Learning Hub and they show an improvement in vegetation on the...
Glen Bowen gully remediation
2 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationGlen Bowen Station was LDC’s second and third large-scale gully remediation sites. Neilly Group Engineering designed the remediation...
Strathmore responds
2 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationStrathmore Station near the Bowen River rodeo grounds is LDC’s fourth large-scale gully. The remediated site has responded well...
Havilah gully
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape Remediation, UncategorizedLDC’s fifth large-scale gully remediation site is at Havilah Station. Works are expected to start in July. The Havilah gully site has...
Rehydration at Weetalaba
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe Mulloon Institute is designing a cost-effective way to address an erosion hotspot on Weetalaba Station to help hold and keep water...
Gas pipe
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe North Queensland Gas Pipeline (NQGP) is a 391km onshore natural gas pipeline system, with capacity to transport up to 108...
WRC drains
1 June 2021June 2021, Landscape RemediationThe LDC project, Whitsunday Regional Council and Fruition Environmental is monitoring fine sediment export from V bottom and flat...
Scottville videos
9 December 2020December 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationCluster groups supported by the Landholders Driving Change project help disseminate knowledge and skills in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie...
WRC drains
20 November 2020December 2020, Landscape Remediation, PolicyRural roads in the BBB directly serve thousands of rural and regional residents living along them. They provide essential market access...
17 November 2020December 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyIT may have been a transformative year, but I am delighted to say that during 2020, the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project...
GBRF funds for BBB
28 September 2020Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, October 2020, PolicyNQ Dry Tropics has secured $5 million to continue to roll out water quality projects in the Bowen, Broken and Bogie (BBB)...
Eungella rainforest group
9 September 2020Landscape Remediation, October 2020, PolicyRainforests are the undisputed champions of biodiversity among the world’s ecosystems. The Eungella Rainforest Cluster Group recognises...
Strathmore gully
15 May 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2020, Landscape RemediationWork is expected to start at Strathmore Station shortly, LDC’s fourth large-scale gully remediation site....
More funding
13 May 2020Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, June 2020, Landscape Remediation, PolicyMore funding is to be directed into the BBB. The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF) has announced a $5 million program...
Case Study – Glen Bowen
19 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationA GULLY, covering more than 3ha of Glen Bowen Station has always been “off-limits” to graziers Christian and Melissa Cormack....
The road ahead
17 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyAs part of an integrated program the LDC team, in conjunction with project partners, is delivering a series of workshops and supported...
Worona field trip
16 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationIn response to considerable landholder interest, NQ Dry Tropics has become increasingly involved with the concept of landscape...
Raining on The Hub
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationLOOK at the Mt Pleasant Learning Hub. The rain came and the small-scale, low-cost interventions installed at the Hub did what they were...
Eungella update
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationSWATHES of burnt-out rainforest at Eungella are being transformed thanks to the dedication of the Eungella Rainforest Recovery Cluster group....
9 March 2020April 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyTHE Landholders Driving Change project has laid a foundation on which it can accelerate the rate of transformational change in the BBB....
23 January 2020February 2020, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationTHE Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) program supports producers to address land in poor or degraded condition....
Rainforest field day
22 January 2020February 2020, Influencing, Landscape RemediationRAINFOREST at Eungella is still recovering from the impacts of the 2018 fires that roared through the region, and a dedicated group of...
Scottville field day
22 January 2020February 2020, Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape RemediationThe Scottville Cluster Group has proven that working together can result in great outcomes. A field trip is being organised to share...
Small gullies update
22 January 2020February 2020, Landscape RemediationTHERE'S been a great deal of focus on large scale gully projects in the BBB, but there’s also been a significant amount of work on...
LDC extension
21 January 2020April 2020, February 2020, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, PolicyTHE Queensland Government has granted the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project more time. The new completion date is September 2021....
Learning Hub
10 January 2020Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, Media, November 2019, PolicyA DEMONSTRATION site and learning hub at Mt Pleasant Station, Bowen, is trialling how regenerative agriculture practices can restore...
LDC halfway
10 January 2020Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, Media, October 2019The NQ Dry Tropics’ Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project has reached the halfway point. It is piloting land management and repair...
Exciting M&E
19 November 2019December 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, PolicyMonitoring and evaluation is an important part of the LDC project because it collects data as we go. It also makes sure the right...
Mt Wickham phase 2
18 November 2019December 2019, Landscape RemediationGULLY remediation phase two at Mt Wickham has been completed. The work consisted of a series of rock chutes in the main gully and the...
Glen Bowen work begins
18 November 2019December 2019, Landscape RemediationWORK has started at Glen Bowen Station, the LDC’s second large-scale gully remediation site. Machinery was mobilised in November, and...
Christmas catch-ups
18 November 2019December 2019, Influencing, Landscape RemediationThe LDC ‘Catchment Catch ups’ are an opportunity for graziers to quiz the LDC team about the project and priorities specific to their area....
Mt Wickham update
26 July 2019August 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationThe Landholders Driving Change Landscape Remediation Activity Area is about trialling different remediation approaches to determine...
Whoa boy video
26 July 2019August 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationFast flowing water caused by heavy rainfall can wreak havoc on rural roads and access tracks, and fencelines. Constructing erosion...
Gully symposium
26 July 2019August 2019, Landscape RemediationMore than 100 delegates including engineers, scientists and practitioners, from Australia, USA, China, Japan, Germany, Spain, France,...
Nutrition matters
25 July 2019August 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationDry pastures can leave graziers with low protein, stubble and roughage to get stock through summer, so supplementation can play a vital...
Walking landscape
15 April 2019Landscape Remediation, May 2019THE field day will visit three properties, Mt Wickham, Riverview and Glen Bowen stations on 1 May. At Mt Wickham and Riverview,...
25 March 2019April 2019, Grazier Support, Landscape RemediationLEVERAGING cross team collaboration is a no-brainer, it leads to deeper insights, fresher perspectives and delivers results. Staff from...
Erosion control training
21 February 2019Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, March 2019Register now to take advantage of two erosion control workshops being held this month. Highly-respected landcare specialist and plant...
Demo site search
18 December 2018Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, January 2019, Landscape RemediationARE you keen to integrate innovation and technology into your management system to optimise productivity and profit? Keen to access...
Rain test
30 November 2018December 2018, Landscape RemediationGreat news - the rain poured down and remediation work on a large-scale gully at Mt Wickham held up! A total of 33.6mm of rain fell...
Works and Training
30 November 2018December 2018, Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, March 2019Graziers in the BBB have a suite of funded on-ground works, and training opportunities available to them as part of the LDC project to...
On-ground opportunities
24 September 2018August 2019, Grazier Support, June 2019, Landscape Remediation, November 2018, October 2018Grazing practice change is central to the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project because it is the proven most cost-effective way of...
30 August 2018Grazier Support, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, March 2019, September 2018LANDHOLDERS Driving Change is facilitating a multidisciplinary approach to designing cost-effective approaches to remediate large-scale...
Works at Mt Wickham
29 August 2018Landscape Remediation, September 2018LANDHOLDERS Driving Change is conducting a large-scale gully remediation project on Mt Wickham. In mid-August LDC staff walked the...
Gully work begins
28 August 2018Landscape Remediation, September 2018THANKS to the landholders who nominated potential gully remediation works. It was great to receive a high level of interest and it is...
Whoa boy project
28 August 2018Grazier Support, Landscape Remediation, September 2018Never before has a whoa boy project rolled out across the BBB catchment. Every landholder in the catchment is invited to be involved. ...
Catchment repair sites
22 June 2018August 2018, June 2018, Landscape RemediationPROBLEM gullies are the focus of the first Landscape Remediation sites in the Landholders Driving Change project throughout the BBB...
BBB Gully Repair
22 June 2018June 2018, Landscape RemediationGOT an eroding gully problem? If you’re in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie catchment, you’re probably in luck. The Landholders Driving Change...