May 9, 2022 | Grazier Support, Influencing, June 2022
Bob got more grass with rotational grazing LDC project panel member Bob Harris has worked hard over the past 10 years to get more from his land with the right grazing system. We spoke to him about what he has achieved. Brought up on a dairy in Victoria, Bob always...
May 3, 2022 | Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, June 2022
Grants available to improve production, land management Grants, technical and industry expertise are available to help graziers develop infrastructure to support land management changes to improve productivity and water quality outcomes. Bowen Broken Bogie (BBB)...
Nov 10, 2021 | December 2021, Grazier Support, Incentives, Influencing, Landscape Remediation, Policy
We tip our hats to the BBB community It’s been a privilege working with you on the LDC project since its inception. Never before has a project taken such a wide range approach to improve land and water quality at a catchment scale. It’s truly been a community-driven...
Nov 10, 2021 | December 2021, Grazier Support, Influencing
In the paddock at Mt Pleasant Station are (anti-clockwise, from left): Brett Scott, Jocelyn Gordon, Jamie Gordon, Rod Barrett, Dr Christine Jones, Chantal Donelle and Joan Gordon. Healthy soil makes for a healthy, productive region Dr Christine Jones makes a point...
Jun 11, 2021 | Incentives, Influencing, June 2021
Landholder experiences with NQ Dry Tropics Exploring New Incentives Program The Office of the Great Barrier Reef (OGBR) is funding a CSIRO and James Cook University (JCU) collaboration to investigate motivations and barriers to improved land management practices...
Jun 10, 2021 | Incentives, Influencing, June 2021
LDC will fund a second washdown facility LDC has committed to fund a second washdown facility in the BBB. If approved, it will be developed in partnership with the Whitsunday Regional Council. The Whitsunday Regional Council’s (WRC) Collinsville refuse station has...