Nov 11, 2021 | December 2021
Waging a never-ending battle in the war on weeds Field day participants discuss weed management approaches on creek and riverbanks at a weeds field day at Sonoma Station. Pictured from left, LDC’s Rodger Walker, Barry O’Sullivan, chair of the integrated...
Nov 11, 2021 | December 2021
Eungella multi species field day was a popular event Landholders in the Eungella region attended a field day in October to discuss the benefits of growing multi species pastures. Graziers also got the chance to see a new machine designed for multi species planting in...
Nov 11, 2021 | December 2021
Gully prioritisation – developing a catchment-wide investment plan The BBB generates almost half of the fine sediment exported to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. For this reason, it is a target hotspot for sediment reduction, which is why gully remediation is a...
Nov 11, 2021 | December 2021
TropWATER Research Scientist Zoe Bainbridge talks about the results of the 2020-2021 Wet season to members of the community monitoring group. Zshkeen Kerr (left) and Norman Johnson. TropWATER’s Zoe Bainbridge and NQ Dry Tropics Land Management Support...
Nov 10, 2021 | December 2021
Soil sampling conducted across the BBB The Department of Resources has collected soil samples across the BBB to help assess and understand the variability of soils in the region. The data will also improve mapping products and extension activities. Soil scientists...
Nov 10, 2021 | December 2021, Grazier Support
Property plan with accuracy — remove the guesswork with mapping NQ Dry Topics Project Officer Cherry Emerick (left) with Glencoe grazier Bob Harris and Department of Resources Maree Cali. Two Mile grazier Graham Gordon and Department of Resources’ Maree Cali. NQ...