Successful gully remediation looks like this

Glen Bowen Station was LDC’s second and third large-scale gully remediation sites. Neilly Group Engineering designed the remediation measures.

Engineering firm Neilly Group Engineering developed the gully remediation technical designs for the works carried out at Glen Bowen Station, and project-managed the works. Local contractors completed the on-ground works.

There were two phases of works, the first phase included remediation of one large gully, and the second phase included remediation of two gullies.

Phase 1

The first phase works was Gully 1, a gully that had an actively eroding footprint perimeter of 1.1km, with an internal area of 3.36ha. The banks of the gully scarp were on average 2-2.5m high. 

This story explains the gully remediation design and expected results following remediation efforts.

Phase 2

Gully 2 had an actively eroding footprint with a perimeter of about 1km with an internal area of 1.1ha. The banks of the gully scarp were on average 2.5 – 3m high.

Gully 4 had a 1.2km perimeter actively eroding footprint with an internal area of 4.8ha. The banks of the gully scarp were on average 0.6m high. The upstream catchment was about four times the size of the gully’s footprint.

This story outlines the design and construction works carried out during phase two of gully remediation at Glen Bowen.