Landscape remediation
and restoration


LDC is helping landholders develop cost-effective designs to remediate gullies and other property erosion features to reduce soil erosion. 

Technical experts are available to visit properties and conduct assessments to determine the most appropriate on-ground solutions.

They can work alongside landholders to design and deliver the treatments, using local contractors where possible, and sharing resources to help reduce costs.

Small-scale gully remediation projects

Is there a small gully, a scalded area or erosion hotspot you want to fix?

Landholders can undertake small-scale gullies and erosion features works that will reduce sediment loss through a range of remediation options. 

Remediation options available to address small-scale erosion features include:

  • diversion banks and water spreading structures to control and manage water flow across paddocks at, before, or after, erosion features;
  • sediment or silt traps to slow water flow and collect sediment;
  • farm road and track works – constructing whoa boys, rehabilitation or re-siting roads;
  • repair degraded areas or preferentially-grazed area through reseeding pasture (can also require fencing or ripping); and
  • fencing and water distribution to better control grazing and improve land condition. Refer to the land management actions for further information about infrastructure options.

Read here how Dan and Katherine Kenny, of Dartmoor, addressed an erosion problem by constructing a series of diversion banks to help increase water infiltration and hold water in the landscape.

Large-scale gully remediation projects

LDC’s Landscape Remediation activity area is trialling large-scale gully remediation approaches to improve water quality, and to determine cost-effective solutions that can be transferred to other projects and catchments.

Four sites have already been established at Mt Wickham, Glen Bowen and Strathmore. All properties are near Collinsville. The Strathmore site will be completed this year.

A fifth large-scale remediation site has been identified on Havilah Station, near Collinsville. A concept design is being developed by Alluvium and Verterra, operating as an Unincorporated Joint Venture. Local contractors will undertake the works.

Read here how the Cormacks, of Glen Bowen, remediated a large-scale gully which has improved vegetation, cover and biomass, soil condition, and reduced runoff.

Landscape rehydration sites

The LDC project has partnered with The Mulloon Institute to help graziers rehydrate their landscapes by returning landscapes to as close as possible to their original state, using rehydration techniques to bank water in the floodplain (hold water in the landscape).

The LDC’s first rehydration project was at the Mt Pleasant Learning Hub.

A second landscape rehydration demonstration site, targeting sediment savings, is being established this year at Weetalaba Station, near Collinsville. For all the details click here.


PICTURED RIGHT: The Mount Pleasant Learning Hub project site. Hover the mouse over the image to see how the landscape retained the water that fell in one rain event.