Funding the Landholders Driving Change project
The Queensland Government funded the first phase of the Landholders Driving Change (LDC) project. Never before had a project taken such a wide-range approach to improve land and water quality at a catchment scale.
LDChange has concentrated landscape repair and land management efforts in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment because this catchment delivers about 50 per cent of the fine sediment load from the Burdekin Basin and it remains a pivotal catchment for improving water quality outcomes. It has truly been a community-driven effort, and in three years the results are in to support future investment.
NQ Dry Tropics has secured funding through the Great Barrier Reef Foundation’s partnership with the Australian Government’s Reef Trust to build on and continue the efforts of the Landholders Driving Change project.
The funding supports a sediment reduction program to improve water quality in the Bowen, Broken, Bogie (BBB) catchment by delivering:
- accelerated grazing support (extension) to encourage adoption of improved land management practice, and;
- large and small-scale gully remediation.