Soils Advocate here

National Soils Advocate gets a first hand look at Burdekin land National Soils Advocate Hon Penny Wensley visited St Margaret’s Creek, a wetland by Colls farm, and Armin’s farm in Giru. Pictured left to right: Terry Granshaw (Sugar Research Australia); Sue...

Landscape Reyhdration day

Does a landscape rehydration day whet your whistle? Sam Skeat from the Mulloon Institute describing the patterns of depositional fans opn the bank of an eroded gully.. Let us know if you’re interested NQ Dry Tropics plans to run a Landscape Rehydration Workshop...

Vegetation Management workshops

Vegetation Management made clear workshops… if they’re wanted Landholders seeking clarity about Queensland’s Vegetation Management laws are encouraged to register their interest in attending a workshop with representatives from the Department of Natural...

Gully maintenance

Monitoring and maintenance of gullies continues Glen Bowen Station large-scale gully successfully remediated… seen at ground level and from above. NQ Dry Tropics is maintaining and monitoring gullies remediated between 2017 and 2020 by the LDC project through...

Time lapse cameras

Time lapse cameras monitor effectiveness of gully treatments NQ Dry Tropics is using time lapse cameras to monitor gully treatment effectiveness. Cameras are set up at a control site and a treatment site. The photos show what happened during a rain event at a...

Weetalaba first test

Weetalaba withstands the test of first wet season… and it was rigorous An aerial view of the landscape rehydration project on Weetalaba, a grazing property near Collinsville. In the foreground is a rock chute, rehydration banks can be seen in the background. The...