Natalie Fredrickson from Dalrymple Station

LDC reaches out to the Upper Broken River catchment

THE LDC project is reaching out into the Upper Broken River catchment (Eungella, Broken River, Crediton and Dalrymple Heights). More than 60 people attended a ‘meet and greet’ at Eungella Memorial Hall in May, and as a result, an action plan is being developed.

The aim of the ‘meet and greet’ was to determine how the LDC project could best help and support landholders in the Upper Broken River catchment to tackle erosion and improve land management, productivity and water quality.

A number of themes emerged and the LDC team, in conjunction with local landholders and landcare providers, and delivery partners, are now developing an action plan tailored to landholders needs.

Key themes include:

  • Apply practical solutions and approaches to help control Giant Rat’s Tail Grass and other priority invasive plants.
  • Create and maintain high quality pasture, and build and promote soil health.
  • Rehabilitate remnant rainforest destroyed by recent fires through a fire restoration project and revegetation projects.
  • Waterway restoration through management of the waterways themselves and through managing stock on water courses.
  • Implement a Neighbourhood Fire Management Plan for properties with Eucalyptus montivaga open forest communities.
  • Identify carbon farming potential on small blocks.

The LDC team is looking forward to working with the Upper Broken River catchment. Watch this space for updates.

The LDC team also acknowledges and thank Pioneer Catchment and Landcare Group and the Eungella Community Development Association for helping organise the ‘meet and greet’ at the  Eungella Memorial Hall (The Hub).

For further information contact Rodger Walker on M: 0408 828 276 or email

CATCHING UP… (from left) Ben Fredrickson (Dalrymple Station), Alex and Patricia Shoesmith and Wayne Reading (Crediton Station)

Shanara Patton from Crediton Station, nursing Fancy, Rodger Walker NQ Dry Tropics LDC (centre) and Mick Sheehy from Crediton Station.

Chatting over cake and coffee are (clockwise from front left) Ian Wright (Dalrymple Station), Shanara Patton, Clint and Mia Stonehouse and Mick Sheehy (Crediton Station), and Maz Wright (Dalrymple Station).